Image by Rickard FalkenangChill RPG

S.A.V.E. Virtual Data Network:


We've all seen them, player characters who become so much more than numbers on paper, who take on flesh as part of that strange alchemical reaction that transforms an act of  imagination into an adventure. Here I intend to showcase those character's who came to life in my game, and in turn made it far more than a game.

The first three are all characters from the early days of the Skeleton Crew, and were all played by Malcolm Arnold, who longest lasting role was that of Mike Aldridge. Malcolm's dedication to the campaign is a major reason why I'm still gaming today, and his enthusiasm can be seen in the following pages, all of which were written by him.

Mike Aldridge (Active)

Simon Williams (Deceased)

Kane Roberts (Missing, presumed dead)

Chill, SAVE and the Societas Argenti Viae Eternitata are copyright to Mayfair Games. The Skeleton Crew, the Prometheus Effect, all characters, situations and events presented on these web pages are copyright to Chris Halliday, 1990, 1999. The materials here may be copied for personal use only. Unauthorised reproduction and distribution of this material is expressly forbidden.

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