I'm sorry, but, I have decided to move my web
site to Xoom.com where their banner is much more
appealing. Please click the link below to go there
but be forwarned: You MUST have IE4.0 or better to
view the new site, and I recommend a screen setting of
1024x768, 32-bit colour mode. Unfortunately, Netscape
has trouble with Cascading Style Sheets (at least
how I'm using them...) so you will NEED IE 4.0 or better
to navigate with the menu. I havn't yet tested the site
on any other resolutions. If you aren't at the suggested
resolution, the site may be VERY poorly aligned and some
parts may even be inaccessable.
Please update your links to the new address, for there
is where it will reside from now on... At least until
I get upset with Xoom... :)
If you don't have IE4.0 and do not wish to own it but
you still wish to trade Babylon 5 or Spellfire cards
with me, you can access the trading pages using the
following direct links.
Premier Needs
The Shadows Needs
Deluxe Needs
The Great War Needs
Premier Duplicates
The Shadows Duplicates
Deluxe Duplicates
The Great War Duplicates
Spellfire Needs
Spellfire Duplicates
I will try to make the site more accessible as soon
as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.