The Temple of Elemental Evil

The Temple of Elemental Evil

Set in the small hamelt of Hommlet, in the ancient kingdom of Aerolsford, six adventurers begin an epic tale. In the former Aerolsford Domain, ruled from the port city of Aerolsford, peaceful and queit for over 200 years. Until a Cult formed and maliciously recruited dissadents and malcontents. The evil cultists worshiped 'The Dark One', and summoned a foul servant.

It was then that the rulers of Aerolsford took action and crushed the cult and locked the servant in the depths of the deep. Immeadietly prior to being imprisoned The Dark One pronounced a curse on the land of Aerolsford. Since that day, low scale border wars have tormented the four city states of the former Domain. Aerolsford, the port capital; Camborn and Borenak, large agricultural cities; and Albera, a mining city with a dark reputation for cruel rulers and bully inhabitants.

In the early summer of the year, the six meet along a trade road on the outskirt of Homlet.

The Creator's Page

But before we get to the game check out the Top Ten lists of AD&D.

  1. The Company: The Knights of Hommlet

    @ 16th Level
    "I can take it."
    "I'm so neutral it hurts."

    Son of a Blacksmith, the bastion of martial strength in the group.
    Other Pics: 1
    @ 16th Level
    "I KNEW he was evil."
    Teller of tales, treasure seeker, and bard.
    @ 16th Level
    "By Helm I smite thee."
    < miss >

    Cleric of Helm and protector of those in need. Prophesied champion who is tempted to turn from Law to Good!!
    Ravanor "Ouch, my head hurts." or
    "Could I get some healing?"

    Professional treasure hunter and rogue.
    Two Faced Bill "Hmmm... tasty"
    Enegmatic small dragon thing and friend of (just) Mokurin's.
    Mokurin "I'm with him."
    < point at Arust >

    Elven wizardess and charmer of men.
    @ 16th Level
    @ 20th Level
    Elven ranger of Solonor Thelandira, aspiring wizard, and stick-in-the-mud.
    Other Pics: 1 2

  2. Some Good Quotes.

  3. A Super Cool map of the campaign world.

  4. A Rippin' Mad Map of Hommlet.

  5. Campaign Stories:

    'The Village of Hommlet'Session 1.800 XP6/25/00
    'Gnawed by Game'Session 2.800 XP7/9/00
    'The Rule of Three'Session 3.1000 XP7/16/00
    'The Bloddy Fray Segue'Session 4.550 XP7/23/00
    'The Moathouse'Session 5.400 XP7/30/00-8/6/00
    'The Aftertaste of Aftermath'Session 6.700 XP8/20/00
    'The Battle for the Moathouse: Dunage Deadlock for the Deceased'Session 7.2000 XP9/3/00
    'The Bard that Single-Handedly Routs Evil from the Village'Session 8.1000 XP9/10/00
    'Color Coded Charge into Cartography'Session 9.2000 XP9/17/00
    'The Mother of All Battles'Session 10.1500 XP9/24/00
    'Second Helpings of Second Chances'Session 11.2000 XP10/1/00
    'Legumes Lay Down a Lumping'Session 12.2500 XP10/8/00
    'Planning Pushing Up Poppies'Session 13.2000 XP10/15/00
    'Teamwork's Tantalizing Paradise Stick'Session 14.1500 XP10/22/00
    'Long Last Lolly-pop'Session 15.2500 XP11/19/00
    'No Replacement for Displacement'Session 16.4000 XP11/26/00
    'Malignant Matasticizing Mazes'Session 17.2500 XP12/3/00
    'Winding Down the Up-beat'Session 18.5000 XP12/17/00
    'Days of Future Passed'Session 19.2000 XP1/21/01
    'Merry-Go-Round Revolving Door'Session 20.5000 XP1/28/01
    'Circuis of Clowns'Session 21.2500 XP2/5/01
    'Surpassing Giant Challenges'Session 22.3000 XP2/11/01
    'Exposed Backdoor Boondogle'Session 23. 3000 XP2/25/01
    'There were only Two'Session 24.3000 XP3/5/01
    'Intervening Interpolation'Interlude.75,000 XP
    'Elemental my dear Watson' Session 25.6000 XP3/11/01
    'You Gotta Break a Few Eggs to Make a Hommlet'Session 26.12000 XP3/18/01
    'Bigger than a Dragon Ending'Session 27.0 XP3/25/01
    'Grandeure'Epilogue.0 XP

    Statistical Overview Graphs and What They Mean
    Dice Rolled: The total number of dice rolled.
    Average Roll: Self Explanatory.
    Standard Deviation: A measure of how widely values are dispersed from the average value.
    Median: Of all the dice rolled, the middle one on the chart.
    Mode: The one roll rolled more than any other.
    Skew: Skewness characterizes the degree of asymmetry of a distribution around its average. Positive skewness indicates a chart weighted towards 1 on D20. Negative skewness indicates a chart weighted towards 20 on D20.
    Miscellaneous: Other Statistical facts: Kills, KO's, and Dead PC's.

A Line Drawing of the height of the Group members.

Last updated 010326
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