The Unseen University


The Unseen University is about one thousand years old and was founded by Alberto Malich.  
The University by night 
The Library 
Student Digs 


Unseen University Library


  The three rules of the Librarians of Time and Space are: 
1) Silence; 
2) Books must be returned no later than the date last shown; and 
3) Do not interfere with the nature of causality. 

     -- (Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!) 

The Unseen University Library  is quite unlike other normal libraries as it contains a very large number of magical texts. The books are chained to the selves not so much to prevent them being stolen but to prevent them from escaping and attacking an innocent researcher. 

The current librarian was turned into a orangutan by a magical accident and has resisted all attempts to turn him back. He occasionally helped by his assistant librarian Rincewind (he fetches the bananas.)


These images come from multiple sources largest of which is the Discworld games. They are copy write Psygnosis.
E-mail me with any complaints queries or breach of copy write at [email protected]