The Mayan Oracle

The Big Vision of the Next Millennium

With the face of our cosmic ancestors on the surface of the planet Mars, I open this page at the end of the 20th Century. As you continue to find different opinions from experts on the Internet and get ideas on high technology, new forms of government, the impact of pollution on our environment, and interactive education, I'd like to know what you think will be our future after the year 2000.

As you may know in the middle of the 20th century there was a mysterious religious cult called "The Scientists" who refused to accept the prophecies of this century and even spent amazing amounts of time and money trying to measure the effects of the Spiritual Universe using logical laws. These same "Scientists" even clung to the belief that they were alone in the universe and that "UFOs" and "aliens" didn't exist! Talk about the dark ages. Amazing but true.

Anyway, any reasonable comments from Maya aliens arriving in 2012 to the cure of cancer and AIDS to human robots cloning are to be considered for publishing on this site. The Mayan Oracle is proud to link with the prophetic. Mysticism in action. Mysticism moves the struggle for justice beyond blame and anger to new possibilities. That is the spiritual genius of the Mayas who embraced universal harmony as a means of absorbing the hatred and pain of others into new arenas of energy making and creativity.

By examining other people's prophecies and then elaborating on our true mysticism I hopefully have opened the door for the psychic resurrection that healthy mysticism can make happen. Mystics must come out of the closets, must gather to share their stories that we might set fire again to our tired and cold civilization. These stories can inspire us to acts of prophecy which can awaken our hearts, renew our cultures, and hasten the return of a healthy planet called Mother Earth.

Have fun!

Overview of The Mayan Oracle


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Thanks for sending your prophecies. In the unlikely event, the posting form could not work for some strange reasons (i.e. scientists sabotage) please use my e-mail address below. Allow me to express my deepest appreciation to you for taking part in this survey. You are free to contact me if you have any questions about this survey or The Mayan Oracle site. Thanks for visiting my page.

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This page designed and published by Pacal 23 Nexus Tzacol

Copyright © 1997. All Rights Reserved.

Courtesy of Maya Java to Guava