In a time of endless persecution, a small party of werriours fights for their freedom and honour. Lead by a swordsman known to most as 'Aenigma' after the long battles of Shaona, before a lowly mercenary named Saaris, the party fought hand to hand with the daemonic forces of the magus Warloghe. All forces of the Dark powers were overpowered in the Age of Clensing, forcing the dark magus into the dark caves of Ulroen. A few years later, the dark souls of the casters sent forth the spirits of Hates to torment the land and to forcefully regain their power. The time to act is now, as the dawn of evil is apon us.
I have redone this page. It is no longer about emulators, roms, etc., but is centered around Abondonware, which is software that is no loger sold and is greater or equal to 5 years old.
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