Feynman Class Destroyer/Explorer

USS Feynman
The USS Feynman

USS Feynman diagrams
Diagrams and deck cutaway of the USS Feynman
Diagrams drawn by Jason Bostjanic

Class Name       : FEYNMAN
Classification   : Surveyor
Type             : DD (Destroyer)
Model Number     : I

Length           : 342 m
Beam             : 192 m
Draft            :  73 m
Displacement     : 1,580,000 mt

Total            : 412
Officers         :  40
Crew             : 360
Passengers       :  12 (60 maximum)

Warp Propulsion System
Drive Type       : ILN-417 Mk IX
     Number      : 2 (variable)
Main Reactor     : FRAM-901

Impulse System
Drive Type       : CAN-Q
     Number      : 2
Secondary Reactor: FRIF-460 Network

Thruster Control : Quickstep

(Sensor Mode)
     Standard Cruise Speed   : 6.0
     Maximum Cruise Speed    : 9.0
     Sustainable for 12 hours: 9.6
(Flight Mode)
     Standard Cruise Speed   : 7.0
     Maximum Cruise Speed    : 9.3
     Sustainable for 12 hours: 9.82
     Maximum Emergency Speed : 9.95
     Core Failure Immenent   : 9.97

     Phaser, Type X
          Number : 4 banks
          Range  : 300,000 km
          Arcs   : Saucer module dorsal array
                   Saucer module ventral array
                   Secondary hull aft array
                   Secondary hull ventral array

     Photon Torpedo, MkXXIII Seeking/Direct
          Number : 2 tubes
          Range  : 3,000,000 km

          Arcs   : 1 forward, 1 aft

Deflector System :  FD-7c Cocoon multiphasic deflector system

     Standard, 6-person  : 4
     Emergency, 22-person: 2
     Cargo               : 3

Shuttle Bays     : 2 (1 main, 1 auxilliary
Embarked Craft (Standard, specific ships may vary)
     Shuttlepod              : 4
     Personnel Shuttle, Small: 4
     D-Warp Shuttle          : 1
     Cargo Shuttle           : 1
     Runabout                : 1


After successfully testing and improving the DELPHI array deep
space sensor system on the USS FENRIS, it was decided to
implement it in a smaller class of vessel with a strong emphasis
on scientific use.  It quickly became evident that a medium-sized
ship of 300 to 450 crew would be the platform suited best,
filling the gap between the WOLFE-class frigates and the
DIOGENES-class cruisers both in size and crew.

To avoid the mass and energy consumption that comes along with a
third nacelle to shape the subspace field for scanning purposes,
the FEYNMAN class uses a variable warp nacelle geometry, based on
a two nacelle design.  It also uses the minimum reflectance
surface for minimal background noise, making the ship appear
black from most view angles, as well as the thruster control
system used on it's bigger cousin.

The ship's saucer section is somewhat elongated with a more
streamlined arrowhead appearance to facilitate a more efficient
warp bubble at higher warp speeds, while the engineering section
is resembling the shape of an elongated AMBASSADOR-class design
with variable position warp nacelles.  The hull allows an emergency
separation but cannot reassemble in space.  There is no Captain's
yacht to allow the bottom of the saucer section to be shaped for
optimum deflector use.  The auxiliary shuttlebay doors open

Details on the modification:

The variable nacelle geometry is not explicitly required for warp
drive, but serves the purpose of stabilizing and refining the
warp field for the main delphi array which is operating on
subspace frequencies during warp.  When operating in a different
configuration it can serve to increase warp field efficiency
(greatly reducing the sensor efficiency) at high speed to optimze
energy consumption and effectively increasing speed.

The low reflectance surface is reducing sensor ghosts of all
kinds, making scans more accurate and providing additional
passive protection against being scanned.  To compensate for this
in non-hostile encounters, the protocols have been modified to
allow to provide beacons for own and friendly vessels.


The Feynman class is named in honor of the twentieth century
Nobel prize winning physicist/philosopher/teacher, Richard P.
Feynman, whose simple but elegant demonstration of O Ring failure
during the Challenger hearings lead to improved standards of
safety for early earth spacecraft.  He is also considered one of
the fathers of Nanotechnology; an award named is his honor has
been given since the late twentieth century.

In October 2405 the project approval was received.  A rescaled
version of the DELPHI Array began construction. In May 2406 the
keel was laid, and the actual construction on the primary hull
began.  In June 2406 the nacelle construction began.  August 2406
saw the joinging of primary and secondary hulls and the
installation of the DELPHI array began.  In September 2406 the
installation of the remaining communication, navigation systems
and computer core followed.

October 2406 the Warp Drive was tested, followed by finishing the
installation of the rescaled DELPHI array in November, and its
calibration and test in December 2406.  In January 2407 the
construction was completed and the ship commissioned for system
evaluation as NX-66000 USS Feynman.

proposed ship names NCC-66xxx:

USS Feynman             USS Heisenberg
USS Fermi               USS Hahn
USS Tesla               USS Meitner
USS Einstein            USS Curie
USS Bohr                USS Hawking

Ship Design by Armin Lenz and Kelli Belden
Starfleet Engineering Revision by Armin Lenz, Kelli Belden, 
Jeffrey Jenkins, Jeffrey Finocchiaro, Kristopher Kolman

[Note: Names of the ships should follow names of Famous
Scienctists as shown by the above examples.]

Deck #          Major Feature (Saucer)

1               Main bridge, ready room
2               Observation Lounge, sensor array control
3               DELPHI sensor array upper
4               DELPHI sensor array lower
5               senior officers' quarters, lifepods
6               impulse drive, transporter rooms 1 and 2
7               impulse reactors, residential apartments
8               science labs, holodecks
9               computer core, science labs
10              ten forward, residential apartments
11              medical labs, residential apartments
12              lifepods, maintenance, auxiliary shuttlebay fwd

Deck #          Major Feature (Stardrive)

6               docking latches, lifepods
7               warp nacelle servo systems
8               volatile storage pods, emergency batteries
9               life support systems, sickbay
10              science labs, residential apartments
11              main shuttle bay, transporter room 3, computer
12              shuttle bay support, maintenance, cargo bays
13              living quarters, arboretum, holodecks
14              transporter room 4, photon torpedo launchers aft  
                and fwd
15              power distribution, security central, brig,       
                DELPHI array fwd
16              main engineering, warp reactor core, aux impulse  
17              antimatter injection reactors, cargo bays
18              anitmatter storage, antimatter generator

Current Crew of the U.S.S. Feynman

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