Bubblegum Crisis: Welcome to Tinsel City
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MegaTokyo AD2034, the city that never sleeps. Before the moment of sunset the city is tired and quiet, but upon the setting of the sun the world awakens. The citizens file into the streets to listen to music and see the sights that are there to behold. The mixture of excitement and the frenzied masses make this the world's center of action. Above their heads are weapons of mass destruction, below them the fault lines from an earthquake that nearly destroyed the city in its entirity only nine years before. None of those things matter now, however, as the people of this restless town become engulfed with all that the city has to offer.

Across the extent of the city are nightclubs were hopefuls break into gritty song. On the streets there are parties. The homeless, the poor, the rich, and the businessmen all gather where they are each equal. Only when the sun goes down can mankind reach such a point, and it is then that cities like MegaTokyo show their true colors.

Rising high above all other buildings is GENOM Tower, the source of much of the revenue that comes to MegaTokyo. It is also the place where all the rishest and most powerful individuals in the city are stationed, serving themselves rather than the people. Behind the facades of saviors are ruthless, greedy men and women who have the ability to crush the most technologically advanced city in the world without even lifting a finger. Here is where they manufacture the Cyberdroids, created from organic and inorganic compounds, mixtures of artificial intelligence and cybernetics. The Cyberdroids are either the city's greatest saving grace or its worst enemy. Whatever the case, they are there reconstructing the city and destroying it at once, in a twisted bit of irony.

Beyond and below the stretch of GENOM's shadow, the city contrasts sharply with all that GENOM stands for. The presumed prosperity that comes from the great Tower, modeled after Japan's beloved Fuji-san, is directly the opposite of what the majority of the people know. After the Second Great Kanto Earthquake of AD2025 the city crumbled. Fires and the shaking of the earth turned MegaTokyo from a prosperous city into rubble, impenetrable until GENOM stepped forward and offered to allow the city to use its Cyberdroids to rebuild the city and brings back its pride. GENOM was welcomed with open arms by a people blinded with desperation. Throughout the next two years the city rose from the ashes but its spirit began to die. The populous had given up freedom in order to attain material possessions. Those who had the money bought Cyberdroids, who earned the nickname Boomers, to perform tasks of menial labor. When overworked the Boomers would go on rampages through the city, killing civilians who were still smarting from the suffering that the earthquake had caused. When the Boomers became too much for the severely underarmed police forces, the AD(vanced) Police were officially created. The AD. Police were given superior armaments to the Normal Police. Their training was inadequate for some time and they were facing multitudes of problems when battling the Boomers. Their weaponry was heavy and effective but at times almost as destructive as the Boomers they were told to stop. They dealt largely with Boomers but also with terrorist groups. Their big guns and remarkable inefficiency earned them some unfortunate nicknames and press.

In AD2027 the AD. Police were the only ones combatting the Boomers. The possibility that GENOM was involved in the frequent rampages were obvious but commonly overlooked. GENOM had the AD. Police in the palm of its hands and could destroy each and every member of the squads instantly, thus weakening the force's defence capabilities. The death tolls rose with each passing day. In AD2028 a terrorist attack on GENOM's supercomputer ALEX-01 brought the dangers of the Boomers to the forefront. A Boomer, called Armstrong, was in charge of the attack and subsequently caused a satellite to fire on the city. After the losses were tallied, it was made clear that the AD. Police were to be even more heavily armed than before in order to stop the next attack more quickly.

Even then they needed more firepower. Three years later it arrived in the form of the Knight Sabers.

Welcome to the MegaTokyo 2034 Network, a guide to the world of Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crash!, and The AD. Police Files.

Hopefully this website will be a very complete guide to the BGC series, including its sequels, prequels, and manga/dramas. If there are any portions of the story or series that are missing, please e-mail me and inform me of what is wrong. Before asking questions, it might be helpful to read the disclaimer that includes what I do and do not consider canon, what I believe the series is really about, and other potentially helpful information. Thank you.