Choose Your Path....
Welcome to my Tower here on the Ethereal Plane. As you can see, (or maybe not; InternetExplorer4r2 doesn't want to recognize the 'middle' picture. I don't have a clue why), you have several choices. I hope you enjoy your stay! Let me know if there is anything that I can do to make it more enjoyable for you. (Just so you know that I know...these pages are somewhat graphics intensive. I have tried to keep it low though (hard to do when you have a lot of cool graphics n' stuff).
This site will look better if you have these fonts (the zip is Windows TTF's; I don't have a Mac, sorry.):
- Algerian
- Baphomet
- Exocet
- Creeper
- Impact
- ...and a few others.
If you want them, here they are...(it is a rather large zip [about 260k]) The Fonts
You can get in touch with me at...
This site is also made with in mind, but I have also tried to make it Netscape compatible. As for 'other browsers', well, it should be fine. Let me know if it isn't. :)
Surfers so far...
Everything on these pages (except where noted) are...
�Copyright Paul L. Ming, 1997