Welcome to the only page dedicated to the 3DO Engine, a project I started last year in an attempt to further my understanding of 3Dimensional graphics. More specifically the development of virtual worlds, like the ones seen in Quake and other real 3D engines. Originally I developed the basis for the engine from my own estimations of how Quake rendered its scenes, I new it used BSP Trees but I knew nothing at that time about visibilty lists and how it stored and rendered its levels. The first ever engine I came up with has been known as the "t shaped room demo" by myself and a few friends, it looks like wolfenstien with texture mapped floors and 3Dimensional objects however it contained only 3 corridors and one shadowed area.
The following list shows the mandantory specifications for the t shaped room demo, as far as I can remember :
o - Gouraud Shading Based On Corner Points (non perspective corrected!).
o - Perspective Correct Texture Mapping (Floor Optimised + Bi linear walls).
o - 3Dimensional objects (with 2d affine texture mapping).
o - Collision Detection (works most of the time if I remember correctly).
o - True 3Dimensional level design (Unfortunately the t shaped room is 2d!).
o - Ability to look up and down, with walls keeping perspective ie. not heretic method!
o - Animated textures (well one animated texture and 2 static ones ;-))
o - Texture editing by use of the mouse during the engine! Like Duke Nukem Editor.
o - BSP Tree sorting, only allowed X,Y,Z aligned splits.
o - Sector based level design, you walked on the inside of objects not the outside.
You can download a copy of the executable version of this engine if you want to take a look, due to the fact that it was written in C++ you can not run it on a machine less than a DX4 and expect speed. This version of the engine has been discontinued to make way for 3DO Engine 2.