[Meditation & Healing] [Tarot] [Pagan, Wicca & Magic] [Aleister Crowley]
[Enochian] [Golden Dawn] [O.T.O.] [A.'.A.'.]

The texts available in the library do not necesseraly reflect my personal opinion.


Meditation & Healing
  1. Meditation
  2. Healing


Pagan, wicca & magic

Aleister Crowley

  1. Book of the Law

  2. The Equinox vol. III, number four: Eight lectures on Yoga.
  3. Book 777
  4. Various


Golden Dawn



  1. The Equinox Vol.I.
  2. Class A
  3. Class B
  4. Class C
  5. Class D
  6. Liber

The texts available in the library do not necesseraly reflect my personal opinion

The Library is part of Jera's World