Hello, welcome to my page. It's kinda lackluster right now, but I'll add more junk later. I'll be posting a lot of LHB stuff here.

The pictures I've taken were done with the Olympus D-490 digital camera.
In order to retain picture quality, these images have not been reduced in size. They are currently 1600x1200 @ 24bit color.
These images are 400+KB a piece. In the future I may reduce the size.

Here's what I have so far:

Longhorn Band Pictures

University of North Carolina vs. UT

Texas Tech vs. UT

"Picture day" (LBJ, 9/29/2001)
"After pregame vs. Texas Tech" (DKR, 9/29/2001)

Oklahoma University (14) vs. UT (3)

Torchlight Parade

The Duck Pond

"The Duck Pond" (Round Rock, ?/??/2001)

Here's some music I've composed:

some funky song (Real Audio)
"Mood Swing" (mp3)