posted 30 April 2002

« closed «

I was afraid that this day would come, the day when I decide to close down the site.  Let me explain my reasons.  As you know the address for this site is  That domain was bought for me by FortuneCity.  After a few years, the decided not to renew the domain, and I'm choosing not to purchase it.
It does come at a good time though, while I still love Brian and the rest of the boys, It was becoming harder for me to keep up with this site, come up with new ideas for it, come up with updates, so its really for the best.  Plus, it would be too hard to promote this site under a different URL, it takes time I am and will always be a backstreet boys fan.

I am working on other sites and you can check some of them out.  I recently started a clique called "escape the music" for people who like to listen to music to just get away from it all.  You can visit it  (here)

Thank you to Brian for inspiring me to make this page, it was my first, and as my friends can tell you, not my last.
Thank you to everyone who visited it,
Thank you to FortuneCity for giving it a home and a domain for a while
And thank you to the backstreet boys for your music