Howdo. Welcome to my craptacular place on the web. Here you can find audio and video bootlegs mostly of my fave band Primus. THEY SUCK! So I guess you might as well go to either the audio or video section or my profound thoughts and ramblings section. Coz otherwise, well, right now there is nowhere else to go.


links to other bootleg pages (good traders and genuine nice folk)

Stuff I like and partake in

Oh yah one more thing. You need one of them java-enabled browser dealies to properly  view this page. So go get one now if you don't already have one.

maxell-tape.JPG (6297 bytes)Click on the audio tape to go to my audio bootleg section.maxell-vid tape.JPG (11080 bytes)




Click on the video tape to go to my video bootleg section.

qmark.JPG (8694 bytes)

Or click on the question mark above to go to my profound thoughts section.


Comments? Ramblings? Love mail? Give it to me baby! [email protected] or on icq at 6168609



For access to a HUGE database of term papers, book reports, and essays CLICK HERE

Oh yah, all the pics and graphics are made or scanned  by me or taken from Frontpage with permission. So what am I getting at? Think I'm going to say don't steal my graphics? WRONG! Go ahead, try and steal em. I dare you. You don't have the guts panty-waist. Come on! Besides, unless your name is Brad and you too are trading bootlegs, these graphics aren't going to do a whole hella lot for you. But what the fudge right? I ain't running your life. I love you all.