tea with the waitress logo

Welcome to Tea With the Waitress, which as you can see has undergone a vast change once again. Hi, my name's Ashley and I'm the pround owner of this page. Here I hope that you'll find some useful Tori stuff for either your enjoyment, or your page as well. I'm not picky. I usually get these images from places on the net, so feel free to take them. Just as long as they don't say Tea With the Waitress on them (like you'd want those anyways). But hey, feel free to take those images and link to my page. Let me tell you a little about the history of Tea With the Waitress...

Tea With the Waitress was founded in early 1997. Thanks to Mike Whitehead, famed owner of the Dent in the Tori Amos Net Universe, this page got some great traffic. I had my hands full though. I was trying to stay updated with all the latest Tori things, I was trying to keep up a running wav of the day archive, I was trying to have a job and make some money to buy more Tori things, and I was trying to make it through high school to get out there to the real world. Well, as you can probably tell, the page faltered. Links that said 'Check tomorrow for more info' wouldn't actually have something to be linked to until about 3-4 weeks later. I can honestly say that I had a few devoted Tea With the Waitress fans out there, and I let them down. But now...

I'm back and trying it all over again. I'm not going to promise day-to-day updates, or a wav of the day that I will honestly keep up with. But I'm going to at least try to update things every couple of days, depending on how my schedule allows. So please, take a trip on this rocketship, baby, and see what you think. Let me know! Tell me what I'm doing wrong, tell me what I've done right.... I'm excited about this rennovation! All I ask for is a few visitors (maybe some e-mail and new pals) and a way to keep in touch with my fellow Ears With Feet. Tea With the Waitress is how I plan to do that...

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