Gary Husband
Zildjian Clinic 1988.

(Charing Cross, London, April 17th 1988)

The BIG Event!

"The arrival of Vinnie Colaiuta on our shores for a first ever British clinic date was an event greeted with predictable enthusiasm. The man is quite simply the most lionized drummer of the moment and this rare opportunity to see him doing the business 'live' brought the crowds flocking to the Charing Cross Astoria.
First on bill however, was Gary Husband who provided a thunderous solo performed with incredible speed and precision. He also proved a witty and articulate orator, answering questions from the floor and demonstrating some of the more baffling elements of his technique.

Gary taking questions during the clinic.

There followed a short interval and then Vinnie was among us. Much has already been written about this man; his phenomenal technique, incredible feel and overall mastery of the drum kit. His work in the seventies with Frank Zappa remains among the most revered drumming ever committed to vinyl and his status as a first call LA studio musician is unrivalled. But as the unassuming figure in the red trousers took the stage - to tumultuous applause naturally - the question arose: is he really 'that' good, and if so can he do it live?? Well yes he is and yes he can actually.
After he'd warmed up a bit and the few teething problems with his sequencer had been sorted out, we were shown quite emphatically what all the fuss is about. The 'Oohs', 'Ahhs' and 'Yo Vinnies' were soon flying thick and fast as Colaiuta deluged us with his awesome grooves and devastating licks; the appropriate phrase is, I believe, 'the cat really had his chops together'. The following question and answer session proved only slightly less entertaining, although the number of requests for old Zappa tracks became a little tiresome after the fiftieth demand for 'Keep It Greasy'. Nevertheless, Vinnie coped admirably, keeping things amusing rather than greasy and we were given a valuable insight into how to play 21/16 time. I know I'm going to be using it as often as possible form now on?
The clinic ended with a duet between Gary Husband and Vinnie that turned unexpectedly into a duet between Steve White and Robbie France before reverting back to Gary and Vinnie once again. Powerful stuff that received a justified standing ovation.
An excellent clinic that disappointed no-one; full marks to Zildjian for the organisation and full marks to Gary and Vinnie for giving the public what they so obviously deserved. - Simon Braund

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