The Mayor`s Plea for San eaty

About me
The Mayor is a covert operative for C.A.N.E. (the Campaign for the Abolition of the Nineteen Eighties) Using the undercover appearance and name Una Stubbs he his able to mobilise and move to irradicate the decade that never should have happend ... The 1980`s!!!!
What I'm interested in:
  • The 1980`s
    Unlike many decades the 1980`s served no purpose What-so-ever. We at C.A.N.E. have been working since 1991 to remove this decade from the lives of decent people just like you. HOW CAN YOU HELP? There are many ways in which you can help C.A.N.E. get rid of this UGLY decade. Firstly spread the word, that the 1980`s days are numbered and tell your freinds, family and work colleagues that they no longer have to tollerate this USELESS 10 year period as a part of their lives! Secondly write to your local elected representatives (Both in Fortune City and wherever else you may live) and tell them that you support C.A.N.E. and demand that they too do somthing to end the misery of 10 bad years. Tell the power elite what they can do with their 1980`s. Finally You can Join the Hunderads of others who have given us at C.A.N.E. the ammunition to rage against the decade of despair by submitting reasons why the 80`s should be abolished before it is too late. DESTROY THE 1980`S BEFORE THE REVIVAL.
  • Reasons Why the 1980`s should be ABOLISHED
    1. BROS 2. WHAM 3. Pop Socks 4. Dallas 5. Margret Thatcher 6. The growth of STOCKBROKERS 7. Boy George 8. Steve Guttenberg Movies 9. The Royal Wedding 10. Ronald Reagan 11. Ronald McDonald 12. Inspector Gadget 13. Flipcharts & Teamwork 14. Jogging 15. The Success of Michael Jackson 16. the "Just Say No" & "Winners don`t use drugs" Campaigns 17. The globilisation of Australian Soap Operah`s
My favourite links
You can email me on
[email protected]