My name is Raymond Eulo I'm in 6th grade and go to KISSIMMEE MIDDLE SCHOOL also know as KMS.Now I think KoRn is the coolest rock band.And they have four c.d.'s right now.The titles are KoRn self-titled,life is peachy,follow the leader,and issues.I've only heard follow the leader and issues and those 2 r the current KoRn c.d.'s I have.The SoNgS that r my FaVoRiTeS are freak on a leash,dead bodies everywhere,all in the family,children of the korn,falling away from me,trash,and let's get this party started. Those songs r from follow the leader, and issues those's r the 2 c.d.'s i have.KoRn is one tune and is only rock unlike limp bizkit which like 1 or 2 of his song's on signifigent other is rock and the rest is rap.His next c.d. is nothing but rap.I did like him before but now he's going rap and i don't like rap.I only like rock like KoRn, KIDROCK,SLIPKNOT,ROB ZOMBIE,BLINK182,ORGY,OZZY,& POWER MAN5000.Also if you didn't know there R 5 members there is JoHn DaViS,hEaD,mUnKeY,dAvId,& FeiLdLy.Also limp bizkit is the director of Falling away from me.I think thats pretty wierd.But I think its an awsome music vid.In the music vid falling away from me the pants that JoHn DaViS is wearing and the shirt R awsome but I want to get those pants that he is wearing cause of the spikes make it look pretty cool.

I think Korn makes some pretty cool music vids like freak on a leash,falling away from me. So does POWERMAN5000 & ORGY & BLINK 182.I think these 5 bands that have better music vids then others.These 5 make better vids then Rob zombie,Kid Rock,EVE 6.I mean I still think there kool and all but they need better music vids. I really think they need way better music vids then what they have now. I think that ballwittaball is ok. Unlike KoRn,powerman5000,ORGY, and BLINK 182 can actually make AwSoMe MuSiC ViDs.

Have u ever wondered what it would b like to hang with 4 a day.That would be awsome I would do any thing to hang out with them.

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