Welcome to The Smugness That
is The Pudgy Cat!!!!

We're MOVING!!! Stay tuned...

tHe PUDgY cAT!!!

Are you wondering what that picture is?!?! It's just sitting there,
what's so special about that?!?! Well take into account the eyes, the
tummy, the arms, and the tail... Now see the smugness?!?! Well it's
"The Pudgy Cat"!!! And well cause he deserves to be on EVERYONE'S
page we have started a campaign to save the Pudgy Cat!!!
Scroll down and find out how...

Want to Support the Pudgy Cat?!?!

So now you have see the marvel that is the cat!!!! We
have started a campaign for people who think this cat
is as smug as everyone else has found him to be...

Sign The Pudgybook Guestbook by GuestWorld View The Pudgybook

Disclaimer: this picture is FUNNY. None of
this is meant to offend anyone or anything... If you can look at that
picture and not laugh you are stronger than I...

You are # to visit "The Pudgy Cat"!!

This page is created and maintained by Jess
Picture Supplied by Jenny

Want to see a FINISHED SITE THOUGH?!?! One of mine?!?!
Well there's tripstar.designs and you can get to everything through there!