Kate's Candy Raver Web Page!

                                      ( A guide through the rave sub-culture.)

Hi, there! This is me hanging out at one of the
only club to rave at in Minneapolis,
First Avenue. I now am going to school
in Washington, DC, where the most
popular party is Sting, held at Nation.
There are, of course, other raves going
on, but Sting is constant. It takes place
every Friday night.




First things first... What is a candy raver !?

There are two definitions floating around reguarding this. The most accepted on says that candy ravers are kids who love toys, hugs, trading bracletts,and above all, dancing to good music. They like to promote a good vibe. The name comes directly from the suckers that they give out to fellow partyers. The other definition is drug related, refering to ravers who candy flip.Candy flipping is taking Extasy and PCP at the same time. However, this sight is promoting self love and respect for our bodies, so we will go by the first definition.

What's up with the pacifiers?

The main reason for people sucking and chewing on pacifiers, is because they are on E. Extasy makes you grind your teeth, so Nuks come in very handy.

Does everyone who has a pacifier on E?

No. Don't be stupid. A lot of sober ravers wear them because it is part of the scene.

Why do ravers drink so much water?

Now, this seems like it should be a given. Have you ever tried to dance for six hours straight, and not drink a bunch of water? However, another reason also leads us back to E. Extasy dehydrates you quickly, and almost all of the known deaths 'caused' by E are because of dehydration.

Why do candy ravers wear so many plastic braclettes?

These are made by the individual. They are traded, along with suckers and candy, at raves to promote good vibes and to make new friends.

What is the difference between a party and a rave?

This is debatable, but the definition I use is that a party is held at a club, or a regular spot, while a rave is a one time event, often held in a warehouse.

What does PLUR stand for?

Peace, love, unity, and respect. This motto can be found all over rave stuff.

Why are raves advertised on flyers?

One good reason is that it presents a great oppertunity to show off how artistic we can be. If you don't believe me, check out the flyers link. The flyers also let us know where to call to get directions on the day of the rave. This is done because a lot of times cops aren't real friendly with the rave crowd.


Rave or Die



Rave Network

Any more questions, comments, or suggestions?

Mail Me!