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original site: 300+ songs, plays .rmi and .mp3...

<A HREF="index.html">Eric's Jukebox</A> Go to Eric's Jukebox

new site:does not play .rmi or .mp3, but has 32 more megabytes!

<a href="http://www5.50megs.com/best4music/index.html">Best 4 Music</a>
Go to Best 4 Music

Back to Eric's homepage

Added Jan 2000:
Approximately 60 songs were added ( indicated by � ) from the website belonging to Yussif Khalil.
Yussif was a popular presence on Geocities gay chat in 1998 under the handle 'Brasil'. He was an arab immigrant to Brasil and lived in Sao Paulo, so his music is a mix of Brasilian and Arab. The file names are his, the original song titles are unknown for the most part.

Yussif passed away early in 1999 from a liver ailment, leaving behind a wife and young child.

I created his original website for him, to which he added a great deal. A friend has converted it to a memorial site, but I reconstituted it as much as possible at another location.

Yussif Khalil/Nicklous AKA 'Brazil'
.rmi, .mp2 and .mp3 files.
These are rejected by some servers due to file type, size over 1Meg, or to avoid copyright violation.
.WAV files

I Cry

I cry for youth lost
for love answered with hate
I cry for a future aborted
for innocence violated
I cry for beauty laid waste
for dreams shattered

The tears fall hopelessly
into a puddle of blood.

I cry...


These are from Alacartebrass

Aligator Boogaloo
Canto Para Elegna
The Mellow Saxiphone
Papa Was a Rolling Stone
Little Sunflower
Too Many Lovers
A Woman, a Love and a Man

Remember Matt every
October 12 and December 01
The Shepard's Hell
Matt's Father

The Blood-Spattered Banner

Oh, say! Did you see
by the moon's baneful glow
How the killers rejoiced
at the faggots last screaming
Whose bright blood and stark screams,
through the agonized night
'Pon that fence while he hung there
so pitifully begging
and their red-glowing flame,
their blades slicing the air,
Gave proof through the night
that the fags will get theirs

Oh, say! does that
blood-spattered banner yet wave
O'er the land of the 'free'
and the home of the 'brave'?

Hope you enjoyed the music, come back often.
This Jukebox was converted to CSS and JavaScript
because the coding is easier,
it's more accurate and saves disk space.
(C)1999 eric lee williams

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