The Grand Prix Legends CarCam File Editor

Special thanks to Phil Flacks web site Grand Prix Legends File Formats. The information I found on Phil's site made this program possible.

New Version!!!1.0.11 Be sure to download the latest version, increased flexability in range of camera position.

If you have not used SpyGirl with GPL, you should, and it is best used with an overhead camera angle, that is now possible using this program.

These images are just a few examples of what is possible with the GPL CarCam File Editor.

This is the first piece of software that I have ever released, it is in an alpha stage. Please be patient
as I work to improve the code.

Version 1.0.11 released August 22, 2000



These images are from the GPL program, not from GPLCarCam.

Recent additions.


Watch for further updates!


Version 1.0.11

Exe File only (1.0.2 users only)
Replace the 1.0.2 version gplcarcam.exe with this file.

Ver1_0_11exe.zip 1.0.8 106kb (1.0.2 users only) Upgrade Only


Version 1.0.2

Download 1 file unzip and run setup

Version1_2.zip 1.0.2 2674kb


Download 4 files extract to same directory and run setup

Disk1of4 version 1.0.2 631k
Disk2of4 version 1.0.2 706k
Disk3of4 version 1.0.2 707k
Disk4of4 version 1.0.2 635k

Example Cams

I would really appreciate feedback about my program, So I have included
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Enter feedback below.


Brian Heiland

Please report bugs and problems to Brian Heiland at...


Program Changes

July 7 1999

Added ability to create a default camera set without extracting data from a dat file.

Added copy and paste function. If you like a camera position within another cam file that you would
like to see, but don't wan't to lose all of your current camera angles.

1. Load the cam file with the camera angle that you like, say eagle rearsuspension view.
2. Click copy
3. Load the cam file that you want to modify / or create a new camera file.
4. Switch to the view that you want to paste into.
5. Click Paste. (undo not available with paste yet)
6. Click Apply.
7. Click on SaveAs and save file.

July 11 1999

Version 0.05.0004

Program now has a Copy and Paste Function.
Copy a current view and paste it into another Car or another position.
Want to see the shoulder view as the nose?
Copy the shoulder view, switch to nose view, paste, apply and save...

Added descriptions to the sliders... up, down, left, right etc...

August 30 1999

Version 05.0005

Program now keeps track of last path opened.
Values now update as sliders are moved.

Version 0.05.0006

Now position camera up to 120 meters from origin, previous max of 30 meters


Changes in 1.0.0002
Nov 5 1999

Interface has new graphical elements

X-Y overhead view
X-Z Side View
Y-Z Front View

Removed the Static values as loaded section to make room for Graphical Elements. This information was used during development only.

Program used to "lose" camera position changes if the user would forget to apply the changes. Now user will be prompted if changes should be saved.

Several new ways to position camera.
Clicking on a displayed value will allow direct numeric entry of desired camera position.
Clicking on X-Y, X-Z, or Y-Z window will position the camera at the clicked location.
Sliders will still move the camera as in previous version.

Changes in 1.0.8
July 6 2000

Clicking and holding left mouse on X-Y, X-Z, or Y-Z window will move the camera at the mouse pointer.
Right Click on the X-Y view will set the yaw angle of the selected camera.
Right Click on the X-Z view will change the pitch angle of selected camera.
Right Click on the Y-Z view will change the bank angle of the selected camera.
Removed "auto-zoom" when clicking on a X-Y, X-Z, or Y-Z views. With the addition of the click and hold code listed above, this feature became a problem.
Added manual scale buttons at bottom of interface to take the place of the "auto-zoom".
Added File menu items, New, Open, Save As and Exit.
Updated Help-About information.
Fixed a bug in the Copy function. If apply was not clicked after making changes to camera positions, and copy was clicked, positions copied would be camera position prior to changes.

Removed version 0.05.0006 from this download page.

Changes in 1.0.11
August 22 2000

Corrected bugs in right click on view. Sometimes camera would point 180deg. opposite of the click location. This has been corrected in all three views.

Added an indicator on the 3 pane view that indicates which direction is "UP" on the camera. this will assist user when creating a camera that exceeds a pitch of +/- 90 deg or a bank of +/- 90 degrees. This option is turned on and off with a check box.



Future updates.

Added exit warning in 1.0.8, but not for file save. Dialog warning to save file before exiting program.

Done version 1.0.8 Add right click to change yaw direction, in X-Y view
Done version 1.0.8 Add Right click to Change pitch in X-Z or Y-Z view

Create a track Camera editor!