Playstation reviews, previews and cheats. You know it makes sense!
Playstation reviews sorry if they're a bit (or a lot!) old but I only review games I've played! TOMB RAIDER 3
1 Player
Takes memory card-2 blocks
Out now Produced by Eidos
All of you out there will have heard of the Tomb Raider series by now unless you are:-
(a) Blind and deaf
(b) Without a brain
(c) All of the above
And you should all know the star Lara Croft. In her new adventure she finds herself in a Jungle in the far east and obviously not there to sample the fine cuisine she is once again out to find yet another artifact to add to her collection but this time she is not only in just one area of the world, she also goes to London, Nevada desert, South Pacific Islands and Antartica. Each area is extremely challenging and MASSIVE. The game is practically the same as all the other ones (I'm not saging that's a bad thing though!) accept for a few tiny changes and one big change. The small changes are the quality of the graphics, the analogue compatability, the new weapons and the changed house (with an added quad bike course!). The big change is the vehicles (in my opinion anyway) you get a kayak, a quad bike, mine cart, an underwater propulsion unit and a boat. All the vehicles are brilliantely animated, fast and fun to use! Anyway, where was I? Oh yes! The plot! In TR3 the lovely Lara is of to find some ancient artifacts (I suppose you could have guessed that yourself but still!). This time she's searching for some pieces of a crater that was left over from when a meteor that hit in the place that she's exploring, these ancient artifacts were found and crafted into lovely pieces of art by Polynesians (I think and if I'm right I'm certain thats not how you spell it!). This material was of an unknown origin. When Lara goes to find the artifacts she only find one and the rest had been scattered all around the world and...... Oops! Better stop there, why don't you get the game and see for yourself.
Graphics:- Triangle polygons make the visuals look a whole lot clearer, still a bit glitchey though 84%
Sounds:- More to hear but still low enough to make you jump if something happens 90%
Gameplay:- Excellent, loads of different scenery to keep it very lively instead of repetitive and lots of puzzles to be solved! 96%
Lifespan:- Enough to keep you going till you're just a skeleton lying in your chair 93%
Overall:- Brilliant game! Stop reading and go buy it now! 91%
1 Player
Takes memory card- 1-2 blocks
Out 26th February 1999 Produced by Konam
You take the role of Solid Snake, an expert at Tactical Espionage (or infiltration to you and me). He is infiltrating a base that has been taken over by terrorists who are threatening to launch nuclear weapons on major places around the world (I think!). You use stealth to get into the base and stealth to make your way around it. It does have it's high point's like when the guards spot you and call over more and your running for dear life or when you get some killer weapons (like the nikita launcher) and go to have a bit of fun! During the game you go through lots of twists in the plot like finding out about the tank Metal Gear that can move around and launch nuclear warheads anywhere! Anyway that's enough of the game given away for now!
The graphics look stunning and unbelievebly atmospheric and realistic! I have heard the sounds before and they are brilliant, quiet on the parts where nothing is happening to give a sense of fear and that 'somethings going to happen now isn't it?' feeling and then when you get spotted it instantly goes to frantic action packed music and your radar turns off so you don't know where the guards will be coming from. Overall at the moment it looks to be very good!Here's hoping that it's going to be as good as I think it's going to be!
Playstation previews, what you should be drooling for and what you should be getting a head start to run away from!
Playstation cheats for those of you who aren't good enough to complete the game yourself (ha!). TOP CHEAT GAME THIS MONTH:


)ALL SECRETS AND KEYS: L2, L2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2

ALL WEAPONS, MEDIKITS, FLARES AND SAVE CRYSTALS: L2, R2, R2, L2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, R2, R2, L2, R2, R2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, R2LEVEL SKIP: L2, R2, L2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, R2, R2, R2, R2, L2

RACETRACK KEY AT LARAS MANSION: R2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, L2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, L2 (tell me if this cheat doesn't work because I'm not sure if it does)

Bikes 'n' babes
Want a taste of Maggot and Worm stew or is tormenting security guards with a doughnut your thing? Visit this brilliant biker's site!

Amie McKell's Webpage
Click here to enter this kickin' website and be sure to visit Hampsterdance!

Big, BIG cheats page, visit it now!!!

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