The Heihachi Story Gallery
*this page is graphic intensive*
*henceforth the term gallery.. duh*
It has come to my attention that many do not have a clue as to what is going on in this confusing story of Heihachi throughout the series. It is a twisted tale I may say indeed. Whereas there might be a story out there that is different than mine, (I'm quite sure there are many opinions) this page will tell a tale along with images that support it. For one.. I like Heihachi, and this page will prove that he is indeed not an evil character, just cursed with bad luck and an evil flowing among his descendants blood line.

It all begins in part one,
Kazuya falls victim to the devil. Kazuya has just defeated his father Heihachi..
Is he saddened by this victory? Is he feeling mercy? what is he thinking as he picks up his father's unconscious body?
"I'm gonna throw him off this cliff"
Is what he was thinking... consumed by the devil's thoughts.
And he does.. the bastard.
Much later, Heihachi manages to climb back to the top of this cliff, badly bruised, but not defeated yet.
He understands that the devil must have taken over Kazuya's soul.. And he understands what he must do next.
Defeating his son Kazuya.. He realizes that Kazuya's blood will never again become cleansed of the devil.
He must destroy it, so he throws Kazuya as Kazuya has thrown him.. except he is thrown into an active volcano.
The Volcano erupts upon the touch of the possesed Kazuya... And he is once again safe, or so he thinks...
Not known to him... Kazuya has already had his way with Jun. What has become of Jun is yet to be known.. Jun was a psychic who could sense this evil.. maybe it was this sense that lead to her demise
Heihachi's Grandson had a name.. and it was Jin. Once knowing he had a grandson.. he set out and trained him.
Many years have passed and Heihachi's age soon began to show. With Jin's help, he hoped to defeat Ogre
Little did he realize that Jin was cursed with the blood of the Devil is his veins.. The Devil found Jin, and left his mark..
With this mark placed upon Jin.. the transformation began to take place.. and Jin was granted Superhuman abilities.
Once Heihachi has learned of what has happened, he knows what will become of poor Jin.. The devil will consume him
Having no alternative option.. he orders his troops to dispose of the devil's host... Jin.
Jin's superhuman powers have already become useful to him.. he uses them to escape the soldiers with a powerful leap.
His only hope he believes will be to destroy ogre himself.. so this he vows..
And shortly after he escapes the soldiers he faces Ogre
With the powers he has, he does in fact defeat Ogre... and an energy is released..
Was this battle all for not? Unfortunately so, and Heihachi knows this.. and has no choice..
To his suprise, Jin is quickly surrounded by Heihachi's soldiers..
The order is given to open fire.. and this order is followed by the action..
Jin is shot repeatedly.. but still can move.. obviously infested with the powers of the devil.
When rising from his back after the shots were fired, he is knocked back down with a single bullet.
This bullet... was from heihachi himself..
Heihachi gives the order to finish him off... and slowly starts to walk away... saddened.
The troops quicly move in to carry out this command...
As heihachi walks away, a body of one of his troops flies past him...
Heihachi fears it is too late... that the body of Jin.....
Has already been transormed into the Devil...
Jin/Devil runs at breakneck speed and grabs Heihachi's head...
Slamming him completely through the stone wall...
Blasting through the wall, Heihachi is then slammed to the ground....
Jin's transformation is complete with the appearance of wings...
What awaits Heihachi in Tekken4? I wish I knew...