I have used this remaining place where rom-a-roni exists in some alternate reality to share with the world of google searchers and people out there who may come across this site and think rom-a-roni is alive again. Do not let your eyes fool you. This location here is a 1999 era hoster of rom-a-roni when I didn't provide any services and didn't know how to run my own server. Now I may know how to run a server and how to host a website but, I can no longer provide that service. My apologies. However, I still receive e-mails about rom-a-roni and while, I like to help people out, I'm really getting sick of getting e-mails saying "d00d your links don't WORK!!!" Does anyone think that a webpage that hasn't been updated since 1999 would work? And for that matter, THE LINKS NEVER DID WORK! But I guess any websurfer who came on through here probably wouldn't know that, so I cut you all a break. Every single e-mail I have ever received about roms, I answered and always sent that person somewhere where they would have a better chance of finding roms then here. Of course, those places are running out these days, but there are still quite a few of those sites out there. I'm not going to link to any sites because I don't want e-mails from people when those sites don't exist any more saying "d00d your links don't WORK!!!". Yes, links are bad; very bad.
In closing, I'd like to tell you all that it was truly fun running this site for as long as I did. I've made a great deal of friends through the crowd of people involved in the NES scene that I still talk too, and I just liked being part of this thing so long, as it's sure used up lots of my free time. I could have been doing other things, but I like it here ;)