Dare you To Enter my Diablo II Realm

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Note: Hi-Res has an average of 1:30 minutes on a 33.6 modem, In mean time I will make a script so that some of the graphics on that page won't appear unless you ask for it! Got any ideas, please goto chatroom and contact me.

Lo Resolution

Hi Resolution

Enter Lo-res Diablo 2 Page Less Pictures, but incredibly FAST. At least a Javascript capable browser supporting frames!

Enter Hi-res Diablo 2 Page A lot of pictures. At least 28.8K+. Realaudio 5 plugin, IE4 or Netscape 4 with Dynamic HTML Capable. IE4 is much recommend. Plus  Patience to wait a minute.

New layout for both Lo-res and Hi-res!!!

Best Viewed With Internet Explorer 4 (800x600)

More Real Audio is designed for the Hi-res FrontPage!!!

(Teleporting Menu - Find the page you want then click the Portal!)

This is how you can contact me.

You Are the

Soul to visit Realm of Terror since Mar 9 1998!!!


Copyright � 1998 Realm of Terror. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in whole or to use my art designs without my permission  is prohibited. Pictures, screenshots are courtesy of  Blizzard, Sierra, Gamespot, Computer Gaming World and other respective owners. Used for not-profit entertaining purposes only!