Wynon's NEW web page! (Revisited)

I pledge allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America. And to the REPUBLIC (not Democracy) for which it stands, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL!

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Well, things have changed quite a bit around here. Sit back, relax, and look around a bit. You'll find that I have quite a bit of stuff to look at, for a weirdo. Enjoy the music! Please make sure you go to the first three lynx listed... The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights shoulld be read by every American citizen. If you take the time to read them, you might be surprised at the liberties our leaders have taken with our God Given rights! PL_Wynon is... ICQ# is 22610898 IMPORTANT LYNX!!! EVERYONE READ!

Our Declaration of Independence

The Constitution of the United States of America

The Bill of Rights

Mud Lynx

Wonderful text-based Multi-User Dungeon.

StarWars Lynx

LucasArts, the Gods and Goddesses of Starwars!
Zone.Com! MSN's answer to playing 1000's of games over the internet!
DJO- My club for Zone.com
My TRA Squadron Homepage
Matthew Justice's Starwars Page

Personal Lynx

DEET's 70's page
Ed's MIDI Files
My Ham Radio Page
My JAVA Page
Beth'n'Jeff's Homepage
MIDI Haven
The Music Place
WON.net World Opponent Network
Twisted Tunes