Welcome. This is my web site for everything I'm interested in. Most of the pages are up now, except for some I've gotta do for Ska, skating, and a couple other things. eventually, after I actually get a good computer, a digital camera, and a scanner, I will be putting a boatload of new pictures and info up. Right now I've got some really bad scans of my conversion pieces for warhammer, and hope to have all the stories and stats to go with them soon. The pages that are already working are the knive, lingerie, anime, and game links, though they need work, and an outdated ratings page for PSX games, also some local music pages and my miniature and pokemon pages, where i have pictures, deck listings and cards for sale. Soon they're will be another for Magic:the gathering. If you've got anything to add to my page, e-mail it to me.