Jason Williams Shoes

Here are a list of the shoes Jason has worn in his career. Click on where on Game Pic to see him wearing them in a game.

Shox VC II
These are Vince Carter's singnature shoe, Jason wore the Shox VC II late in the 2002-03 season. Game Pic
Nike Air Max Elite
These are the Air Max elite J-Will also wore thse in the 02-03 season. Game Pic

Shox Stunner
These are the Nike Shox Stunner Jason wore these in late in the 01-02 season, and early in the 02-03 season. Game Pic

Shoes for the 01-02 seaason
These are the Nike Air Shox BB4, Jason wore these along with the Hyperflights in the 2001-02 season. Game Pic

Jwill's Shoes
These are the Nike Air Hyperflight Jason wore them during the 2001 playoffs, and early in the 2001-02 season.
Game Pic
Jwill's Shoes
These were Jason Williams singnature shoes for the 2000-01 season, they are called the Air Flight Disrupter
Jason wore this shoe during 1999-00 games they are called the Air Force Powermatic.
Jason also wore these shoes during the 99-00 season.

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