This web page is dedicated to things that I just don't like and should be done away with .
It is dedicated to my lest favorite movie or movies or anything and anything that I just don't like imparticulaly.
This web site thou says that the things or persons mentioned in the contents of this web page are my least favorite things. I believe that the content of this web page should be done in good taste and not belittle anyone or any idea that someone or others my have. Other wise who knows someone or some ententy may put this web site on their pages and depict it with no mercy at all.
Which is of course unkind and would hurt my feelings very much!!!
If you have any comments or suggestions please hesitate to contact me as I really don't like those either.
Thank you, and have a nice day, as I don't like lossy days. rainy days on my day off from work or snow when it is not Christmas Day. Etc., Etc.