A Path in the Woods...

There is a path within the woods that leads to a magical place
Where friends can tell stories without any words, share smiles and laughter
And memories that have yet to be made.

� There is always something new to discover when you follow A Path in the Woods.
While there, you will be enchanted by poetry, literature, and art as your breath is swept
away by the rich hues of the forest. Let the spirit of the living forest heighten your senses
and take you on a journey into your soul. You are welcome to browse to your heart's desire,
but please, be considerate when visiting! You are not alone in these woods...

As you approach, you notice that the old, overgrown path has some fresh footprints!
Ellie must have been around!

Elliejune's Path
Follow the path to Ellie's place...

You can e-mail Ellie at [email protected]

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