Wars Throughout History
Since the beginnings of Man, war has played a critical role in his development.  Without wars our history would be quite different.  Imagine no Roman Empire, no race to colonize North and South America, and certainly no United States.  Wars are a part of human nature, and it is quite naive to think that we could exist without them.  Many believe that is untrue, but I believe George Orwell put it best in his novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" when he said:
"War is Peace
Ignorance is Strength
Freedom is Slavery"
A War itself may be bloody and costly, granted, but the concept of war is still a great one.  Simple logic dictates that a concept cannot exist without another to contradict it.  If that's the case, the to have peace, there must still be war.  So if one day there is peace throughout the world, the concept of war will still have to exist, or chaos will spread like wildfire.  After all, if there was no war, then that would mean that their would be only one idea, one ideology, and one goal for the human race.  We as a race have never been able to live like that, we can't now, and I doubt we ever will be able to live like that.  Human beings are all different and unique, and when two unique ideas clash, that leads to conflict.  When conflict is so great, it leads to war.

These are the decisive wars througout history that this page will study:

Canadian War for Independence Page 
American War for Independence Page
War of 1812 Page
World War I Page
World War II Page

Links to War-Related Pages
Links to Non-War-Related Pages

Also, check out my other page that is dedicated to Ancient History...coming soon!

That's about it for now.  More to come in the near future.
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Page last updated January, 1999
Adam Richards - [email protected]