Veni Vidi Vici

A web page about Marlboro Cigarettes

At this web page, i would like to PROMOTE smoking. Smoking is good for you. It stimulates your mind. Everyones doing it, why dont you?

Top 5 reasons smoking is good for you.
5. It makes you look cool.
4. gives you a reason to take more and longer breaks at work.
3. If you smoke it fast enough, it will give you a buzz.
2. Keeps you warm in the cold.
And the number 1 reason to smoke cigarettes...
1. Going to canadian bars and smoking american cigarettes denotes your from the states.

Currently, my favorite cigarette is Marlboro Lights.

Below are a few members of the Marlboro Family.

Now, I don't know about you, but personally I like boxed cigarettes. I think they stay fresher longer, don't crush as easy in my pocket and keep their shape better.

Personally, I like to use a Zippo lighter. Some people like matches, or that beutain bullshit, but there's nothing like the fumes from a Zippo lighter.

Currently I average about a pack of cigs a day, except for when I go clubing, I average about a pack and a half to 2 packs a nihgt.