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- Año 1991

Alonso B., Canals, M., Got, H. y Maldonado A., (1991).- Sea valleys and related depositional systems in the catalan sea (northwestern Mediterranean). American Association of petroleum Geologist Bulletin, vol.75(7): 1195-1214

Nelson, H., Maldonado, A., Barber, J.H. y Alonso, B. (1991).- Modern sand-rich and mud-rich siliciclastics aprons: alternative base-of-slope turbidite systems to submarine fans. In: M. Lint and P. Weimer (Edt.) Seismic Facies and Sedimentary Processes of Submarine Fans and Turbidite Systems ,Springer-Verlag, Frontiers in Sedimentology Geology, New York, Chap. 8: 171-190

Palanques, A., J.I. Díaz y A. Maldonado (1991) Impact of the Sewage Sludge discharged in the Barcelona continental shelf. Oceanologica Acta, vol.sp, 11 Environment of Epicontinental seas: 329-336.

Año 1992

Alonso, B., and Maldonado A., (1992).-Plio-Quaternary margin growth patterns in a complex tectonic sett ing: north-eastern Alboran Sea.In: A.Maldonado(editor), The Alboran Sea. Geo-Marine Letters Spc vol.2-3: 137-143

Alonso, B., J.B. Anderson, J.I. Díaz y I. Bartek (1992).- Pliocene-Pleistocene seismic stratigraphy of the Ross Sea: Evidence for multiple ice sheet grounded episodes, In: D. H. Elliot (Ed.),Contributions to Antarctic Research III, American Geophysical Union, Antarctic Reseach Series, vol.57: 93-103

Baraza, J., G. Ercilla and H. Lee. (1992).- Geotechnical properties and preliminary assesment of sediment stability on the continental slope of northwestern Alboran Sea".Geo-Marine Letters, vol.12: 150-156

Ercilla, G., B. Alonso, and J. Baraza, (1992).- Quaternary Sedimentary evolution of the northwestern Alboran Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, vol.12: 144-149.

Foucher, J.P., A. Mauffret, M. Steckler, M.F. Brunet, A. Maillard, J.P. Rehault, B. Alonso. P. Desegaulx, J. Murillas y G. Ouillon, (1992).- Heat flow in the Valencia Trough: Geodynamic implications. In: E. Banda and P. Santananch, (editors), The Valencia Trough: Geology and Geophysics. Tectonophysics, vol.203: 77-97.

Guillén J. y Palanques A. (1992).- Sediment dynamics and hydrodynamics in the lower course of a river higly regulated by dams: the Ebro River". Sedimentology, vol.39: 567-579.

Maldonado, A., A.C.Campillo, A. Mauffret; B. Alonso, J. Woodside y J. Campos.- (1992). Alboran Sea late Cenozoic tectonic and stratigraphic evolution. In: A. Maldonado (editor), The Alboran Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, Special vol. 2-3: 179-186.

Palanques, A. y Biscaye, P.E., (1992).- Patterns and controls of the suspended matter distribution over the shelf and upper slope south of New England. Continental Shelf Research, vol.12 5/6: 577-600.

Año 1993

Díaz, J.I. y Ercilla, G., (1993) .- Holocene depositional history of the Fluviá-Muga prodelta, northwestern Mediterranean Sea.Marine Geology, vol.111: 83-92.

Guillén, J. y A. Palanques., (1993).-Factors controlling sediment budget in the lower Ebro River. Annales Geophysicae. supl. II to vol. 11. p.1993, C 257.

Guillén, J. y Palanques, A., (1993).- Longshore bar and trough systems in a microtidal, storm-wave dominated coast: the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean). Marine Geology, vol.115: 239-252.

Nelson, C.H.; Baraza, J. y Maldonado, A., (1993).- Mediterranean Undercurrent sandy contourites, Gulf of Cadiz, Spain. Sedimentary Geology, vol.82: 103-131.

Palanques, A. y Díaz, J.I., (1993).- Transport and fate of heavy metal pollution dumped in the Besós River and the Barcelona littoral area (Northwestern Mediterranean). En: Chemical Industry and Environment.. vol. 2: 10 pp

Sanchez-Cabeza, J.A., P. Masqué Barri, W.R. Schell, A. Palanques, M. Valiente, C. Palet, R. Perez Obiol y J. Pantaleón Cano, (1993).- A record of anthropogenic environmental impact in the continental shelf north of Barcelona city. International Atomic Energy Agency, Viena,-SM-329/18, IAEA-SM-329118: 175-184

Año 1994

Baraza, J. y Ercilla, G., (1994).- Geotechnical properties of near-surface sediments from the northwestern Alboran Sea slope (SW Mediterranean): influence of texture and sedimentary processes. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, vol. 12: 182-200.

Ercilla, G., Alonso, B. y Baraza, J., (1994).- Quaternary (post-Calabrian) sequence stratigraphy of the nortwestern Alboran Sea (Southwestern Mediterranean). Marine Geology, vol.120: 249-265.

Guillén, J. y Jiménez, J., (1994).- Processes behind the longshore variation of the sediment grain-size in the Ebro Delta coast. Journal of Coastal Research, vol.10: 00-00.

Guillén, J., Camp, J. y Palanques, A., (1994).-Short-time evolution of a microtidal barrier-lagoon system affected by storms and overwashing: the Trabucador Bar (Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean. Z. Geomorphology vol.38(3): 267-281.

Palanques, A. y Díaz, J.I., (1994).- Anthropogenic heavy metal pollution in the sediments of the Barcelona Continental Shelf.Marine Environmental Research, vol.38: 17-31.

Palanques, A., (1994).- Distribution and heavy metal polluion of suspended particulate matter on the Barcelona Continental Shelf (Northwestern Mediterranean) Environmental Pollution. USA-Inglaterra, vol.85: 205-215.

Palanques, A., Alonso, B. y Farrán M., (1994).-Progradation and retreat of the Valencia fanlobes controlled by sea level changes during the Plio-Pleistocene (Northwestern Mediterranean). Marine Geology: vol.117: 195-205.

Shipp, S., Anderson, J., DeSantis, L., Bartek, L.R., Alonso, B., Zayatz, I., (1994).- High- to intermediate-resolution seismic stratigraphic analysis of Mid-Late Miocene to Pleistocene strata in eastern Ross Sea: implications for changing glacial regime. Terra Antártica, vol.1(2): 381-384.

Año 1995

Alonso, B., Canals, M., Palanques, A., J.P. Rehault. (1995).- A deep-sea channel in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: morphology and seismic structure of the Valencia Channel and its surroundings. Marine Geophysical Research, vol 17: 469-484

Baraza, J., Ercilla, G. & CAMEL Group.(1995).- A tectonically controlled deep-sea valley: The Equatorial Atlantic Channel. Annales Geophysicae, Part I, Supl. I, vol. 13, :C123. 42

Dañobeitia, J.J., Canales, J.P., Vidal, N., Gallart, J., Carbonell, R.I., Díaz, J., Farrán, M., Naar, D.F., Fracheteau, J., Slootweg, A.P., and Dehghani, G.A. , (1995).- Geophysical study along the Easter-Salas y Gomez volcanic ridge (Southeast Pacific). InterRidge News, vol.4 (1): 19-22.

Ercilla, G., Díaz, J.I., Alonso, B. y Farrán, M. ,(1995).- Late Pleistocene-Holocene evolution of the northtern Catalonian continental shelf (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). Continental Shelf Research, vol.15 (11/12): 1435-1451.

Estrada, F., B. Alonso, F. Pérez, & G. Ercilla , (1995) .- Plio-Quaternary tecto-sedimentary evolution of the northeastern Alboran Basin (Western Mediterranean) Annales Geophysicae, Part Y, Supl. Y vol. 13: C125.

Guillén J., (1995) .- Sediment response in a littoral system affected by shoreface nourishment (Terschelling Island, The Netherlands).Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Utrecht, R 95-20: 90 pp.

Guillén J. ,(1995).- Results of the sediment sampling campaign in Terschelling (T-3 Campaign, October'94). Data Report. Dep. Physical Geography, University of Utrecht. R 95-5. pp. 5, 2 tablas y 15 figuras.

Guillén, J. , J. Jiménez (1995) .- Processes behind the longshore variation of the sediment grain-size in the Ebro Delta coast. Journal of Coastal Research, vol.11(1): 205-218

Kenyon, N.H., Clark, J., de Haas, H., Millington, J., Pérez, F. , (1995).- Sidescan Sonar Survey: Distal Rhone Cone and Valencia Channel.In: "Deep-sea depositional systems of the Western Mediterranean and mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge". Unesco Reports in Marine Science. vol. 67: 126-131

Palanques, A., J.I. Díaz & M. Farrán (1995) .- Contamination of heavy metals in the suspended and surface sediment of the Gulf of Cadiz (Spain): the role of sources, currents, pathways and sinks. Oceanologica Acta, vol.18,4: 469-477

Palanques, A., N.H. Kenyon & Alonso, B., A. Limonov, (1995).- Erosional and Depositional Patterns in the Valencia channel Mouth: An example of a Modern Channel-Lobe Transition Zone. Marine Geophysical Researches, vol.17: 503-517

Van Hinte, J., Cronin, B.T., Lucchi, R.G., Akhmanov, G.G, Ivanova, E.M., Lotoskaya, A.A., Akhmetzhanov, A.M., Millington, J., de Haas, H., de Koning, J., Clark, J., Kozlova, E.V., Rey, J., Pérez, F., Morris, S., Oosting, A., van der Hoef, J., Felser, E. , (1995).-Botton Sampling. In: "Deep-sea depositional systems of the Western Mediterranean and mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge". Unesco Reports in Marine Science. vol. 67: 132-162 .

Weaver, P.P.E., H.U. Schmimcke, J. Firth, J. Baraza, et . al. (1995) .- ODP Leg 157 Shipboard Scientific Party .Gran Canaria volcanic apron and Madeira Abyssal Plain Drilled. EOS. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 76,(40): 393-395. -

Año 1996

Alonso, B., Comas, M., Ercilla, G., and Palanques, A. , (1996).-Textural and mineral composition of Cenozoic sedimentary facies off western Iberian Peninsula, Sites 897, 898, 899 and 900. Proceeding of the Ocean Drilling Prog. Scientific Results vol. 149: 741-751

Baraza, J., and Ercilla, G. , (1996).- Gas-charged sediments and large pockmark-like features in the Gulf of Cadiz slope (SW Spain). Marine and Petroleum Geology vol.13(2) : 253-261

Dañobeitia, J.J., R.S. Dietrick, M. Farrán, D. Naar,  Estrada, F., Bartolomé, R., Hooft,
E., Canales J., Bonilla, J., Bonells, D., y Goyes, P.. (1996).- Geophysical Investigation of the Ridge-Hotspot Interaction at the Galapagos Spreading. Sloan (Eds.). InterRidge News vol.5 n. 2

Díaz, J.I., Palanques, A., Nelson, C.H., and Guillen, J., (1996) .- Morphostructure and sedimentology of the Holocene Ebro prodelta mud belt (northwesten Mediterranean Sea). Continental Shelf Research vol.16 (4): 435-456

Ercilla, G., y Alonso, B., (1996).- Quaternary siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy of western mediterranean passive and tectonically active margins: the role of global versus local controlling factors. Geology of Siliciclastic Shelf Seas Geological Soci. of London vol.117: 125-137

Gràcia, E., M. Canals, M. Farrán, M.J. Prieto, J. Sorribas and GEBRA Team. (1996).-Morphostructure and evolution of the Central and Eastern Bransfield basins (NW Antarctic Peninsula). Mar. Geophys. Researches, vol.18: 429-448

Guillén, J., Palanques, A. ,(1996).- Short and medium term grain size changes in deltaic beaches (The Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean). Sedimentary Geology, vol. 101: 55-67.

Guillén, J. and  Hoekstra, P., 1996- "The "equilibrium" distribution of grain size fractions and its implications for cross-shore sediment transport: a conceptual model". Marine Geology, 135: 15-33

Jurado, M.J., and Alonso, B. , (1996) .- Interpretation of Site 948 Logging-While-Drilling data: Inversion of Log data constrained by sample analyses. Proceeding of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, vol. 156.

Merino, J., J.A. Sanchez -Cabeza, J.M. Bruach, P. Masqué, LL.Pujol , (1996).- Artificial radionuclides in a high resolution water column profile from the Catalan Sea (the Northwestern Mediterranean). Radionuclides in the oceans, part 1.

Cherbourg-Octaville, Milkert, D., Alonso, B., De Kaenel, E., Comas, C. and Liu, L. , (1996) .- Synthesis: sedimentary and depositional history of the Iberian Abyssal Plain (ODP Leg 149). Scientific Results of the Ocean Drilling Program, vol. 149: 685-704.

- Año 1997

Alonso, B., Ercilla, G., Martínez-Ruiz, F., Baraza, J., and Galimont, A. (1997). Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary facies at site 976, ODP Leg 161: Depositional history in the northwestern Alboran Sea Ocean Drilling Program.

Baraza, J., Ercilla, G., Farrán, M., Casamor, J.L., Sorribas, J., Flores, J.A., Sierro, F., and Versteeg, W., (1997) .- The Equatorial Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel: an ultra high-resolution image of its burial history by means of TOPAS profiles. Marine Geophysical Researches vol 19: 115-135

Canals, M., A. Monaco, A. Dinet, A.Palanques, N.B. Price, E. Ballesteros, J.M. Redondo, F. Nyffeler, B. Keegan, B. Hamelin, M. Frignani, J.A. Sánchez-Cabeza ,(1997).  Transfer of matter and energy on European continental margins. In: Interdisciplinary research in the Mediterranean Sea , 31-68. Ed. Lipiatou, Belgica

Chiocci, F.L., Ercilla, G.,Torres, J., (1997) Stratal architecture of Western Mediterranean Margins as theresult of the stracking of Quaternary lowstand deposits below glacioeustatic fluctuation base-level". Sedimentary geology

Dañobeitia, J.J., D. Cordoba, L.A. Delgado-Argote, F. Michaud, R. Bartolomé, M. Farrán, R. Carbonell, F. Nuñez-Cornu  and CORTES-P96 Working Group., (1997).- Expedition Gathers New Data on Crust Beneath Mexican West Coast. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union., vol.78 ,n. 49.

Ercilla, G., Baraza, J., Alonso, B., and Canals, M. , (1997).- Recent Geological processes in the Central Bransfield Basin (Western Antarctic Peninsula). In: Stoker, M.S., Evans, D. & Cramps, A. (eds) Geological Processes on Continental Margins, Mass-wasting and Stability. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 117: 125-137.

Ercilla, G. , Alonso, B. (1997). Quaternary sequence stratigraphy of western Mediterranean passive and tectonically active margins: the role of global versus local controlling factors. Geological Society, London, Special Publication . Vol. 117, 125-137 (1997)

Estrada, F., G. Ercilla, B. Alonso. (1997) Pliocene-Quaternary Tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the NE Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean Sea). Tectonophysics, 282, 423-442, 1997.  Elsevier, Holanda

Gracia, E,.,Canals, M.,Farrán, M., Sorribas, J.,and R. Pallas.(1997). Central and eastern Brandsfield basins (Antarctica) from high resolution swath bathimetry. Antarctic Science 9 (2):168-180

Guillén, J.and Palanques, A., 1997- "A shoreface zonation in the Ebro Delta based on grain size distribution". Journal of Coastal Research, 13(3): 867-878.

Guillén, J.and Palanques, A., 1997- "A historical perspective of the morphological evolution in the lower Ebro River". Environmental Geology , 30: 174-180.

Guillén, J. y Hoekstra, P., 1997.- "Sediment distribution in the nearshore zone: grain size evolution in response to shoreface nourishment (Island of Terschelling, The Netherlands)". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Jurado, M.J., and Alonso, B.,(1997)  Interpretation of Site 948 logging-while drilling data: mineralogical inversion of Log data constrained by sample analyses. Shipley, T.H., Ogawa, Y., Blum, P., and Bahr, J.M., (Editors) In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results, vol, 156:219-227.

Lebreiro S.M., J.C. Moreno, F. Abrantes and U. Pflaumann. 1997. Productivity and Pleoceanographic implications on the Tore seamount (Iberian margin) during the last 225 kyrs: foraminiferal evidence, Paleoceanography, vol. 12 85), 718-727.

Lebreiro, S.M., I.N. McCave and P.P.E. Weaver. 1997. Late Quaternary emplacement of turbidites on the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. 67 (5), 856-870.

Pérez-Belzuz, F., B. Alonso and G. Ercilla.(1997). Origin and history of mud-diapirism in the western Alboran Sea. Editors: S. Cloething, M. Férnandez, J.A., Mu–oz, W. Sassi , F. Horvath
In: Strucutral Control on Sedimentary Basin Formation Tectonophysics: 283 (1-4): 399-422.

Schneider, J.L., Gérard, M., Schmincke, H.U., Weaver, P.P.E., Firth, J., Baraza, J., et al..(1997)
Du volcan au sédiment: la dynamique du talus volcanoclastique sous-marin de Gran Canaria, Canaries (Atlantique Oriental, Leg ODP 157). C.R. Acad Sci. Paris, t. 324, série II, p. 891-898.

Urgelés, R., Canals, M., Baraza, J., Alonso, B., Masson, D.:(1997).  The most recent megalandslides of the Canary Islands: El Golfo Debris avalanche and Canary Debris Flow, west El Hierro Island. Journal Of Geophysical Research, Vol. 102, Nº B9, p. 20.305-20.323.

Van Geen, A., J.F. Adkins, E.A. Boyle, C.H. Nelson  , A.Palanques,(1997)  A 120 yr record of widespread contamination from mining of the Iberian pyrite belt. Geology, 25, 4: 291-294.

 - Año 1998

Canals, M., Estrada, F., Urgeles, R. and Gebrap 96/97 Team. “Postglacial sedimentation in the continental shelves of the northern Trinity Peninsula region”. Annals of Glaciology, volume 27,1998

Canals, M., Urgeles, R. Estrada, F. and Gebrap 96/97 Team. “Internal structure and seismic facies of the deep sediment drifts off the northern Trinity Peninsula: results from a very high resolution survey”. Annals of Glaciology, volume 27, 1998

Ercilla, G., J. Baraza, B. Alonso and M. Canals (1998). Recent geological processes in the Central Bransfield Basin (NW Antarctica),  Journal of Geological Society, Vol 129, pp 205-216

Ercilla,G., B. Alonso, F. Pérez-Belzuz, F. Estrada, J. Baraza, M. Farrán, M. Canals and  D. Masson (1998): Origin, sedimentary processes and  depositional evolution of the Agadir turbidite system, central eastern Atlantic. Journal of Geological Society, Vol.155, pp 929-939.

Ercilla, G., B. Alonso,  J. Baraza, D. Casas , F.L. Chiocci , F. Estrada, M. Farrán, E. Gonthier, F.Perez-Belzuz, C.Pirmez, M. Reeder,  J. Torres  and R.Urgeles (1998). New high-resolution acoustic data from the "braided system" of the Orinoco deep sea fan. Marine Geology, vol146 (1998) 225-241.

Pérez-Belzuz, F., B. Alonso and G. Ercilla (1998).History of mud-diapirism and trigger mechanism in the western Alboran Sea. Tectonophysics, 282, 399-422

Puig, P. and Palanques, A.(1998) "Temporal variability and composition of settling particle fluxes on the Barcelona continental margin (Northwestern Mediterranean)"; Journal of Marine Research, 56: 639-654.

Puig, P. and Palanques, A (1998).; "Nepheloid structure and hydrographic control on the Barcelona continental margin, northwestern Mediterranean"; Marine Geology , 149 (1-4): 39-54.

Gili, J.M., Bouillon, J., Pages, F., Palanques, A., Puig, P. and Heussner, S.(1998); "Origin and biogeography of the deep-water Mediterranean Hydromedusae including the description of two new species collected in submarine canyons of Northwestern Mediterranean"; Scientia Marina, 62 (1-2): 113-134.

Masson, D.G., M.Canals, B. Alonso, R.Urgeles and V. Huhnerbach (1998): The canary Debris Flow: source area morphology and failure mechanisms. Sedimentology. Vol 45: 411-432

Prieto,  M.J., M. Canals, G.Ercilla, M. De Batist (1998). Structure and Geodynamic Evolution of Central Bransfield Basin (NW Antarctica)   from seismic reflection data. Marine Geology, 149, 17-38

A.Palanques and J. Guillén (1998). The Ebro delta coastal change: Natural and human factors. Journal of Coastal conservation, 4:17-26.

A.Palanques, J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza, P. Masqué and L. Leon (1998). Historical record of heavy metals in a highly contaminated mediterranean deposit: The Besós Prodelta. Marine Chemistry, 61:209-217.

Año 1999

Alibes, B., Rothwell, R.G., Canals, M., Weaver, P.P.E., and Alonso, B., (1999). Determination of sediment volumens, accumulation rates and turbidite emplacement frequencies on the Madeira Abyssal Plain (NE Atlantic): A correlation between seismic and borehole data.volumen 160, pp.225-250. Marine Geology.

Alonso, A., G. Ercilla, F, Martínez-Ruiz, J, Baraza, and A. Galimont (1999). Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary facies at site 976, ODP Leg 161: Depositional history in the northwestern Alboran Sea. In: Zahn, R., Conas, M.C., and Klaus,, A., (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, vol. 161, 57-76.

Baraza, J., G. Ercilla and C.H. Nelson (1999): Potential geologic hazards on the eastern Gulf of Cadiz slope(SW Spain).
Marine Geology, 155, 191-215.

Gili, J.M., Bouillon, J., Pages, F., Palanques, A. and Puig, P. (1999). Submarine canyons as habitat of singular plankton populations: three new deep-sea hydromedusae in the western Mediterranean ; Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 125 (3): 313-329.

Guillén, J., Stive, M. y Capobianco, M.- 1999.- Shoreline evolution of the Holland coast on decadal scales, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 24, 517-536.

Jimenez, J. A., Guillén, J., Gracia, V., Palanques, A., García, M.A., Sánchez-Arcilla, A., Puig, P., Puigdefábregas, J. and Rodriguez, G. (1999): Water and sediment fluxes on the Ebro delta shoreface. On the role of low frequency currents, Marine Geology, 157 (3-4): 219-23.

Martinez-Ruiz, F., Comas, M.C., and Alonso, B., (1999). Mineral associations and geochemical indicators in upper Miocene to Pleistocene sediments in the Alboran Basin. In: Zahn, R., Conas, M.C., and Klaus,, A., (Eds.), Proceeding of the Ocean
Drilling Program, Scientific Results, vol. 161, 21-36.

Palanques, A., Guillén, J., Puig, P., Querol, X. and Alastuei, A., (1999): Zinc contamination in the bottom and suspended sediment of the Guadalquivir estuary after the Aznalcollar accident. Control of hydrodynamic processes. Science of the Total Environment., 242, 211-220

Prieto, M.J., G. Ercilla, M. Canals, M. De Batist  (1999) :Seismic stratigraphy of the Central Bransfield Basin
(NW Antarctic Peninsula): Interpretation of deposits and sedimentary processes in a glacio-marine environment.
Marine Geology, 157, 47-68.

Puig, P., Palanques, A., Sánchez-Cabeza, J. A. and Masqué, P. (1999): Heavy metals in particulate matter and sediments in the southern Barcelona sedimentation system (North-western Mediterranean), Marine Chemistry, 63 (3-4): 311-329.9

Sánchez-Cabeza J.A., Masqué, P., Ani-Ragolta, I., Merino J.,Frignani, M., Alvisi, F., Palanques, A. and Puig, P. (1999): Sediment accumulation rates in the southern Barcelona continental margin (NW Mediterranean Sea) derived from 210Pb and 137Cs chronology; Progress in Oceanography 44 (1-3) : 313-332.,

Targarona, J., Alonso, B., Cacho, I., Canals, M., Versteegh, G.J.M., Zonneveld, F.K., 1999. Variations of Atlanctic inflow into the Mediterrranean Basin over the last 20,000 YRS from dinoflagellate cyst records from the Alboran Sea.
Paleoceanography  In press

Año 2000

Puig, P., Palanques, A., Guillén, J. and García-Ladona, E. (2000): Deep slope currents and suspended sediment fluxes in and around the Foix submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean); Deep-Sea Research.47 (3): 343-366.

Research papers in Intenational Magazines : 1991- 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 -1998- 1999
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