Kontribusi Jamaah

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Alhamdulillah, kita bertemu di Website Kontribusi Jamaah, dimana kita dapat saling bersilaturahmi dan mengemukakan gagasan tentang Islam sehingga Syi'ar Agama akan terpancar melalui interaktif dan komunikasi antar kita.
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: Say: Pay (your contribution), willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. Lo! ye were ever froward folk. (Al Qur'an 9 : 53)
: And naught preventeth that their contributions should be accepted from them save that they have disbelieved in Allah and in His messenger, and they come not to worship save as idlers, and pay not (their contribution) save reluctantly. (Al Qur'an 9 : 54)

Jalan Lurus
Oleh: DR Ir Arifin Nugroho

Membangun Masyarakat Ummat Madani Melalui Pendidikan
Oleh: DR Ir Arifin Nugroho
Koordinator Biro Konsultan YAHDI (Yayasan Haji Daarul Ihsaan - Telkom Corporate, Bandung)

Al-Qur'an Mukjizat Terbesar
Iman dan Taqwa
Mengenal Kitab dan Literatur Islam
Thola'al Badru
Pelangi Persepsi Muslim
Buletin Jum'at
Mosaik Kisah
Mutiara Hikmah

: So let not their riches nor their children please thee (O Muhammad). Allah thereby intendeth but to punish them in the life of the world and that their souls shall pass away while they are disbelievers. (Al Qur'an 9 : 55)
: And they swear by Allah that they are in truth of you, when they are not of you, but they are folk who are afraid. (Al Qur'an 9 : 56)
: Had they but found a refuge, or caverns, or a place to enter, they surely had resorted thither swift as runaways. (Al Qur'an 9 : 57)

Asyraqalbadru- Nasyid Islami
Setetes Rahasia Alam Tuhan- Buku Islami

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Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb