Baby's Bag

Cut 2 shapes in cardboard as pattern A.
Cut 1 shape in cardboard as pattern C.
Cut 1 shape in material only as pattern B.

Using a lightweight material lay 1-pattern shape A on, with tacky glue smeared on each side, and fold over the material. The fold will be at the top straight edge.
Put aside to dry and then trim material to cardboard shape. Repeat for 2nd shape A.
Using the same process, cover the longer cardboard C.
Starting with the side of the longer piece level with the top of A, slip stitch or glue together around the edge of A. This forms the side and base of the bag.
Repeat the other side so that you have your complete bag shape.
Edge the top edge of B with bunka. Then tacky glue the 'pocket' to one side of the bag on three sides only, leaving top bunka edge open.
Glue 2 pieces of narrow ribbon [1 on each side in a U shape] for handles.

Trim all necessary edges with bunka to neaten.
Cut 3 pieces, 1 - 1/2" by 2 - 1/2', fold side edges in and then fold in half. Use material suitable to represent nappies. Cut 1 piece in lightweight material [fluffy] to represent the bunny rug. This is 2 -1/4" square. These are placed in the bag, folded edges up. A babies bottle, powder tin and tiny Fimo bear or other suitable items can be placed in the side pocket.


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