Original and vintage quilts and textiles

Yes, it really is a cottage industry.
Hart Cottage is a little bitty place built in 1923 by Daddy Hart from timber he cut from his homestead acreage just outside Pensacola, Florida.  My dear partner Val and I restored it in 1998 and share it with a dog, three cats, a flock of poultry, and Ramona, my beloved potbellied pig.

Here in a tiny (no kidding) workroom off the kitchen  I spend my days messing with antique and vintage fabrics from 1875-1945 and my own hand-dyed  fabrics, reproducing traditional designs and coming up with some new ones  of my own.  For those of you who envy my being able to quilt full-time:   yes, I know how lucky I am!

Beginning in 2001 I've concentrated exclusively on miniature and doll-sized quilts.  To my surprise, it's not just doll collectors who love these little gems!
Miniature quilts are easier to display and conserve. Collectors with limited display space find they can indulge their desire for fine antique textiles and quilts without turning their living rooms into padded cells.
They give more "bang" for your buck.  You can own several small quilts for the cost of one large (and often unwieldy) piece.
They're versatile.  Minature quilts can be used as a background for other antiques - from dolls to pottery - or displayed as works of art all by themselves.  
Matted and framed, they make a striking wall accent in places full-sized quilts can't safely be used, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and guest rooms in inns and bed-and-breakfast hotels.
Personally, I just enjoy the challenge of putting together these itty bitty things, many of which use pieces only 1/2" square.

 No assembly line here.
All my quilts are made by me here at Hart Cottage, and are either original designs or adaptations of antiques in museums and private collections. They are NOT mass-produced imports. Of the 135+ quilts I've made since 1998, each has been different from all the others; most are made of vintage and antique prints and some from my own hand-dyed fabric, and are hand quilted or carefully machine-quilted freehand in decorative threads.  Rest assured your Hart Cottage quilt is unique and absolutely one-of-a-kind!
Take a look at my work.   
Just click on the icon or highlighted word.
Visit my shop to see quilts currently available for purchase.    
Check out my quilt auctions on ebay.
Visit my gallery to see a retrospective of my work.