Indianas' Greene County Militia
The Greene County Militia
The Greene County Militia is commanded by Col Janice Stalcup who was elected to replace the former commander when he was elected to serve as the SIRM commander.The GCM accepts patriots from all creeds and walks of life as such should be the case.Greene County is situated in South West Indiana just west of the Bloomington Indiana area.It is a rural county which had as its economic base agriculture and coal. As with the rest of the country this base has been eroded with the manipulation of the markets and federal regulations.Our manufacturing base now resides in JuarezMexico.
Why the Militia???
The Concept of a Militia made up of everyable bodied citizen was written into the U.S.Constitution and many documents and laws over the years.The purpose of the militia (reserve or unorganized) is to provide a defensive force for the state and county.Today the focus of the Militia is to train,prepare,and educate. The founding fathers conceived this as a bulwark against tyranny.Every citizen a soldier. This concept ensures that the people will be stronger that the government.The citizen is the master, the government the servant.This concept is not unique to the U.S.Military service is mandatory in Switzerland.A short term is served and then the citizen soldier is returned to his home with his battle rifle and ammo and his gear.Every home is a soldiers billet.
A prayer for survival
A Prayer for Survival of the Republic Opening Prayer September 18, 1999 Father Czeslaw Przybylo Shrine of Christ the King Winfield, IL ----------------------------- Heavenly Father! Grant to this Conference the Grace to better understand and cherish the Second Amendment, always understood as a God-given Right by Our Founding Fathers of these Great United States of America!. Do not let us loose heart but rather give us the strength and wisdom to meet the challenges of the present times. May All the Peoples of this Noble Nation been lightened by the "Seat of Wisdom" to remember that Only Free People can responsibly live virtuously with respect for All. Spare us from all tyranny. Help us to preserve true and lasting Peace and Unity; by a people who have and never will surrender their Freedoms. God Bless America! And through the Preservation and Enforcement of the Constitution, and All of its Amendment. God Save America!
Patriot Links & Bravo SierraLinks

Southern Indiana Regional Militia

An author who survived the Waco Massacre
Government terrorism at its worse.

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A Visitor from the Past by Thelen Paulk--A Must Read and copy!


In honor of a vet p on it The Hanoi Jane Urinal Target

. Alex Jones doccumenting police state tactics and training to use the us military against US citizens


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