Azerbaijan Online

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History of Azerbaijan

At the beginning of 18th century The Safavi state weakened. That period the wars between feudal rulers were getting stronger.

After Nadir shah hhh on the throne the situation in Azerbaijan got worse. The taxes increased tremendously. In Shaki the ruler, at first appointed by Hadir shah, was Alimardan bay, after his death he appointed his brother Malik Najaf (Najafgulu) to rule there.

The uprisings against him were increasing in number. For example one of them happened in the village Bilijik 20 km away from Shaki. In 1739 Nadir shah send special troops to demolish the rebellions. One of the army was leading by his brother Ibrahim. In the area called Jara near the mountain named Janik the battle took place between him and the rebellions. His army was totally destroyed and hi himself was murdered. by the shot from rifle.In 1740 Nadir shah send new punishment army to Azerbaijan. The army was leaded by Gani khan. He captured Shaki and Shirvan, but he could not break the will of people to get freedom.

Meanwhile the nobles of Shaki region were unhappy with the ruling of Malik Hajafgulu. His taxes were tremendous and it was impossible to pay them. So they send the delegation to Nadir?s court with complaints about him. The head of the delegation was Haji Calabi. The asked Shah to appointed in Shaki another ruler. He was respectable and famous man in Shaki. Actually his ancestor was Darvish Mammad the middle century ruler of Shaki. So Nadir shah appointed him as his servant in Shaki. And ordered that without permission of Haji Chalabi no decision could be made. In despite of Malik Hajaf disappointment the people in Shaki were very happy. On third of July in 1742 they all celebrated that event.Appointment of Haji Chalabi was the first sign of future independence. So two person began to rule in Shaki.

Malik Najaf understoond that Haji Chalabi could try to rule alone. After some time he went to Nadir Shah and complainted him that Haji Chalabi does not him to fulfill the shah?s orders. Following to the demand of Nadir he went to his camp established temporary close to Darbant. Shah ordered to hang him out. Even when the rope was around his neck he did not lose selfpossession and continued to explain his being right to shah. Vazir Mirza looking to Haji Chalabi bent close to shah and advised him to stop the execution. He said:" If you kill this man his people would rise against us. He is always in your hand you can do that whenever you wish." Nadir shah, the talan troops leader and clever man understood the warnings of his Vazir and decided to stop executing of him. He appointed him by his new order as his servant in Shaki.

Haji Chalabi was looking for any opportunity to take over the power in Shaki. Malik Najaf tried as well to smectiti the namestnik of Nadir Shah in Shaki. At the beginning of 18 century The Safavi state weakened. That period the wars between feudal rulers were getting stronger. After Nadir shah hhh on the throne the situation in Azerbaijan got worse. The taxes increased tremendously. In Shaki the ruler, at first appointed by Hadir shah, was Alimardan bay, after his death he appointed his brother Malik Najaf (Najafgulu) to rule there. The uprisings against him were increasing in number. For example one of them happened in the village Bilijik 20 km away from Shaki. In 1739 Nadir shah send special troops to demolish the rebellions. One of the army was leading by his brother Ibrahim. In the area called Jara near the mountain named Janik the battle took place between him and the rebellions. His army was totally destroyed and hi himself was murdered. by the shot from rifle.In 1740 Nadir shah send new punishment army to Azerbaijan. The army was leaded by Gani khan. He captured Shaki and Shirvan, but he could not break the will of people to get freedom. Meanwhile the nobles of Shaki region were unhappy with the ruling of Malik Hajafgulu. His taxes were tremendous and it was impossible to pay them. So they send the delegation to Nadir?s court with complaints about him. The head of the delegation was Haji Calabi. The asked Shah to appointed in Shaki another ruler. He was respectable and famous man in Shaki. Actually his ancestor was Darvish Mammad the middle century ruler of Shaki. So Nadir shah appointed him as his servant in Shaki. And ordered that without permission of Haji Chalabi no dicion Endt�r�f�, k�r�y�n alt�, budun �n t�r�f�, qar�n d�var�n�n yan t�r�f� v� qoltu�un a�a�� h�ss�s�d�r. Bu yerl�r�n d�r�s� yax�� b�k�l�r v� qan damalar�n�, s�n�rl�r� v� s�m�k�stl�y�n� z�d�l�m�k t�hl�k�s� olmur. D�r�alt� p�y toxumas� ���d�kd� v� ya �vv�lk� �nyeks�yalar�n p�s sorulmas� �z�nd�n b�rk�m�� yerl�r� �yn� vurmaq olmaz. �nyeks�yadan �vv�l d�r�n� sp�rtl� s�l�r, �ll� d�r�n� qa�d�s� a�a��da olan ��buca� ��k�l�n� b�k�rl�r, sa� �ll� �pr�s� g�t�r�r, �yn�n� v� por�en� tutub �yn�n� ��buca��n qa�d�s�n� 45 bucaq alt�nda 1-2 sm d�r�nl�y� c�ld bat�r�rlar. ��yn��n ucunun d�r�d�n ke��b d�r�alt� b�rl��d�r�c� toxumaya d��d�y�n� �m�n olduqdan sonra yava�-yava� m�hlulu yer�d�rl�r. D�rman� d�rmalt� b�rl��d�r�c� toxumaya yer�td�kd�n sonra �yn�n� tez ��xar�r, �yn� yer�n� sp�rtl� s�l�r v� �st�n� �rtm�k laz�md�r.