let's talk cyberculture

what !!

where are we going...?

this is only the beginning.. all of this..on this day in 1998, all
this wonder technology, changing our lives, changing the
way we work and live,communicate, think, act, present
ourselves. BUT if this is only the beginning ... where are we
going.. how much more will this impact humanity ?

what are we doing ?
we are embracing our creations..this is how
far humanity has come in all the time since we crawled
from the sea, a long time ago..

at last humanity seems to be leaving early childhood
the shocking realization that we must stop poo-ing in our nappies
[stop polluting the earth]
and that we need to control ourselves in order to survive
[birthcontrol + resource control + emotional control]

so NOW we are starting to care...BUT what about all the destructive power we are stockpiling.... guns..guns.. EVERYWHERE... come on people... time to growup... time to EMBRACE nothing at all to panic about... RELAX
see the modem is working.. you're still connected..
AHA .. ! now we now what we want..
| we want more control | not external control..but internal control, it's called


have a look around
may you enjoy
and merry meet :-)

you may proceed to the lobby

enter alternative space