English Composition
Course Information
English 111
- 4 credit hours - English Composition I - reviews the writing process
(prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and proofreading) and covers documenting
sources according to Turabian.�� Introduces students to
four basic writing strategies/devices used in effective writing (exemplification,
description, compare and contrast, and process).� Reviews basic grammar
and punctuation, composing and revising, grammatical sentences, and spelling
and mechanics.� Literary excerpts are used as models for student writing.
Students also learn basic document preparation skills, using Microsoft
Word, in the lab.
English 112
- 4 credit hours - English Composition II - reviews the critical thinking
process and covers integrating sources according to Turabian.�
Introduces students to two basic writing strategies/devices used in effective writing
(definition and cause and effect) and to advanced methods of effective
writing by combining devices and strategies in a formal argumentative research
paper. Reviews grammar and punctuation, word choice, effective sentences,
research writing, logical appeal, and argumentative structure. Literary
excerpts are used as models for student writing. Students also learn advanced
document preparation skills, using Microsoft Word, in the lab.
for English
111 and English 112
Eschholz, Paul, and Alfred Rosa.� 1999.� Subjects and strategies:� A
writer's reader. 8th ed.� New York, NY:� Bedford and St.
Martin's Press.
Hacker, Diana.�1999.� A writer's reference. 4th ed.� New York,�
NY:� Bedford and St. Martin's Press.
Supplemental Materials
for English 111 and English 112
Turabian, Kate L.� 1996.� A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations. 6th ed.� Revised by John Grossman and Alice Bennett. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
2-3 computer disks (3 1/2")