Closet Wolf Press
The Closet Wolf Press is essentially me. It is primarily my thoughts, ideas, prose and poetry. If others appear in any of it�s publications, it is only because I have taken a liking to something they have written. I am not swayed by public opinion. I have a very low opinion of public opinion. Any publication of the Closet Wolf Press is intended for the adult individual and not the adult (?) who thinks like a child, and it is not intended for the child, but in a few cases, there are children out there (under 18) who clearly think more maturely and rationally than do many adults. Since my work is not vulgar as a rule, they may read it if they feel they are mature enough and are not offended. Anything that is published in the Closet Wolf Press and that is attributed to myself or to Indya, E�thel or Longshooter, is copywrited, however, it may be freely printed and distrubuted without consent of the author (me) as long as it is done so intact and without charge. I reserve the right to change my mind on this at any time. The Closet Wolf Press has several publications including PULSES, a chap book with poetry and prose from me and various other strange people, HOWLINGS, editorials, thoughts and ideas from yours truly, WOLF TRACKS, spoor,the trail, the past of yours truly told in short stories or novel form, and THROB & PUCKER, stuff from other writers but more than just prose or poetry. It has occurred to me that 3 out of 4 People make up 75% of the population. It seems that the other 25% are also people. I do believe that this is a good thing. When they told me she was a lady in public,but a whore in the bedroom, I thought this the ideal situation. It was only when she presented me with my bill for her services that I discovered my error. It is a vain attempt, and stupid to my way of thinking, to wake the dead. But, remember this,if a dead man is snoring, there�s a pretty good chance he ain�t dead. You�ll get no argument from a sign post or the dead. If you must argue with one though, choose the former, for while the latter can�t refute your argument, they can raise quite a stink.