Dog Vomit Stout is an exceptionally dark and flavorful stout. It's our number one product. There is no other beer that even begins to compare to DVS. This is not a beer for the timid or for those who enjoy cheap, weak, watery American beers. It also packs a punch at 8.1 percent alcohol.
Pifer 909 is our newest brew. Five pounds of fresh cherries add a special flavor to this stout. This is a special brew that simply surpasses all mass-produced beers by an incredible margin. Not for the timid, it also is 8.1 percent alcohol.
No beer produced by Brothers Scumbag Brewery is for sale. That means, you cannot buy any. All of our beer is consumed by the brewmasters and specially selected friends. If you don't fit into one of those categories, too bad. Enjoy your drool!
The BrewMasters are: Pedro and Calvin
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