Hello! Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Nicole Rodovsky. I'm a 29 year old woman from Seattle, Washington. I currently live in Eastern Washington.
Well well well welcome and make yourself right at home! More to come, soon!
You may notice that my site has much the same content as before, its just spread out more because with so many links, I wanted to reduce bandwidth. Also I think it will now be easier to find areas of my site I really would like you to visit. =) I will also begin putting up more of my personal non-fiction writings and philosophies. Enjoy!
Thomas Merton: Ghandhi said, "To refuse military service whe n the time has come for it to be necessary, is to act after the time to combat the evil has run out." Compulsory military service is only a symptom of a deeper eveil. All who support the state in its organizing for war or in policies that imply the willin gness to organize for war, and all who profit by privilages in such a state, have no business refusing military service. The refusal must be much more radical and much more sacrificial. It implies the refusal of privialges and benefits as well as of coope ration in a few policies in which one does not agree.
Only fools and madmen go into battle unafraid.
~Guy Gavriel Kay