Medals & Orders


Grand Bauhinia Medal (G.B.M.)







Gold Bauhinia Star (G.B.S.)







Medal for Bravery (Gold) (M.B.G.)







Silver Bauhinia Star (S.B.S.)







Medal for Bravery (Silver) (M.B.S.)







Hong Kong Police Medal for Distinguished Service (P.D.S.M.)






Hong Kong Immigration Service Medal for Distinguished Service (I.D.S.M.)







Hong Kong Customs and Excise Medal for Distinguished Service (C.D.S.M.)







Hong Kong Correctional Services Medal for Distinguished Service (C.S.D.S.M.)







Hong Kong ICAC Medal for Distinguished Service (I.D.S.)







Bronze Bauhinia Star (B.B.S.)







Medal for Bravery (Bronze) (M.B.B.)







Hong Kong Police Medal for Meritorious Service (P.M.S.M.)







Hong Kong Fire Services Medal for Meritorious Service (F.S.M.S.M.)







Hong Kong Immigration Service Medal for Meritorious Service (I.M.S.M.)







Hong Kong Customs and Excise Medal for Meritorious Service (C.M.S.M.)







Hong Kong Correctional Services Medal for Meritorious Service (C.S.M.S.M.)







Hong Kong ICAC Medal for Meritorious Service (I.M.S.)







Medal of Honour (M.H.)