Welcome to my Tuoi Tre Cuoi collection

Cho bo.n Ta^y:

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Cho bo.n Ta:

Tie^'ng Vie^.t trong trang tie^'p theo ddu*o*.c ma~ hoa' theo phu*o*ng pha'p TrueDoc DHTML. Dde^? ddo.c ddu*o*.c, ba.n ca^`n co' Netscape Navigator 4.x. Ne^'u ba.n ddang du`ng Internet Explorer hoa(.c ca'c phie^n ba?n cu~ ho*n cu?a Netscape Navigator, ba.n co' the^? ddo.c ddu*o*.c chu*~ Vie^.t ba(`ng ca'ch na.p nhu*~ng font na`y va`o he^. tho^'ng


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