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Comparative History of IDeas
University of Washington
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CHID 370 Final Project
Jurgen Habermas and the
internet as Public Sphere
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F. W. Nietzsche
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Noam Chomsky
Hello, welcome to my
home on the world wide 
web. I ram a gradutate from 
the Comparative 
History of Ideas at the 
University of Washington.
This webpage will undergo
more revisions in the 
future. So, pull up a 
keyboard, stay a while; see
what you like and let me
know what you think. Drop
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comments. Hope you enjoy
your stay.
 [email protected]
A Few Quotes:

"For what purpose humanity is there should not even concern us: why you are there, that you should ask yourself: and if you have no ready answer, then set for yourself goals, high and noble goals, and perish in pursuit of them! I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible..."

~Nietzsche, unpublished note from the 1873



"I think we should have the modesty to say to ourselves that, on the one hand, the time we live in is not the unique or fundamental or irruptive point in history where everything is completed and begun again. We must also have the modesty to say, on the other hand, that even without this solemnity-the time we live in is very interesting."

~Michel Foucault



". . .The Clown appears--puts a gag over Autumn's mouth & says "there are two kinds of people--simple people & normal people" this usually gets a big laugh from the sandpit & White Heap sneezes--passes out & rips open Autumn's gag & says "What do you mean youre Autumn and without you there'd be no spring! you fool! without spring there'd be no you! what do you think of that???." then Savage Rose & Fixable come by & kick him in the brains & color him pink for being a phony philosopher--then the Clown comes by and screams "You phony philosopher!" & jumps on his head--Paul Sargent comes by again in an umpire's suit & some college kid who's read all about Nietzsche comes by and says "Nietzsche never wore an umpire's suit" & Paul says "you wanna buy some clothes, kid?" & then Rome and John come out of the bar & they're going up to Harlem. . ."

~Bob Dylan



"There's also an assumption that unless you're a professional expert on something, you can't be talking about it. So there are any number of reviews, including favorable reviews, I should say, reviews from activists on the left will review a book of mine an say, oh, my God, this propaganda analysis is fantastic, because he can use linguistics to deconstruct ideology or something like that. I don't even know what the word "deconstruct" means, let alone how to use it." [Chronicles of Dissent, page 269]

~Noam Chomsky



"Every kid knows jobs are finished; role-playing has taken over; the job is a passe entity. The job belonged to the specialist. The kids know that they no longer live in a specialist world; you cannot have a goal today. You cannot say, 'I'm going to start here and I'm going to work for the next three years and I'm going to go all that distance.' Every kid knows that that within three years, everything will have changed--including himself and the goal."

~Marshall McLuhan 1971



"Cliches and stereotypes should be cherished, for they call attention to their own failure to convey what they mean. They are the only suitable language for emotions that can't be put into words. They indicate by their impotence what they cannot express directly. Every deep feeling is thus a wax museum statue of itself." [Emblem from Stranded in the Jungle]

~Steven Shaviro


Last Updated: 6 January 2000