Aztec Deities

The Aztecs worshipped a great deal of deities. Ranging from Tlaloc, the rain god, to Mixcoatl, the god of the chase, there was no end to the intertwining of religion and daily life in the Aztecs. Many gods had multiple aspects. Some gods joined together to become one god on occasion. Others were twins, opposites, or family. In fact, the relationships between the gods, not to mention the mythology, is similar to the Greeks.

Many gods required sacrifices of their people. Battles were waged continuously to steal captives from other peoples, so the gods could be appeased. Other gods didn't care about sacrifices. Regardless, if human sacrifice (and cannabalism) delights you or makes you feel funny, digest this information on sacrifices.

Check out this small encyclopedia of Aztec gods, and let yourself be immersed in the mythology of the Aztecs, just as can be with the Greeks and Romans. The world of Aztec mythology is intricate and fascinating, so feel free to explore it!