index.htmle, images, meaning of images, anarchist text, fake pornography, lies, the future">

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You'll have to bear with me, and I hope no one takes offense, but I am working on something here. A sincere effort; a sincere artist at work (a failed painter no less). And...the theme is: You can tell much about a culture by examining its pornography. Any ideas? I personally am quite compelled by the presence of so much porno on the Internet; in effect, many of us are already having sex with a machine, a machine with a thousand faces and a thousand little stories to tell.....Think about it; make more money and buy more....


Feel free to e-mail me at the address at the bottom of this page.



You see, the computer, through the Internet, comprises an organism, a life force, all its own,and with it,a will to live all its own. It is now encouraging certain member of the human race to literally fuck their brains right out of themselves.


I wonder what will happen next? a new Darwinian prism that we must pass through; that we are passing though

Remember, they're real; they love you, they want you!



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