An Insider's Guide To The Westboro Subculture
Now that we are all spread out in various parts of "The Real World" we cannot all convene in one centralized location to discuss the important issues facing Westborites, such as "Whats goin' on tonight?" and "Where da weed at?". That is why THE VIRTUAL LOWER LOT has been forged in the vast, porn-filled world of cyberspace.
The faces you see are just some of the reoccuring characters that will be featured on our website. This is only the very first stage in the construction of the site and it will be updated all the time so keep checking us out for information about all your favorite Westboro people, upcoming shows/movies, rare audio/video files, and whatever else we feel like putting up.
Email - [email protected]
As you can see, Westboro dudes get ALL the chicks - but we can always use more! Any of the hunky studs featured on the VIRTUAL LOWER LOT are available for all of your womanly needs. I repeat WOMANly needs!